- biological tissue slicing 生物组织制片
- After Chinese ink injecting,tissue slicing and HE staining were made to observe inflammatory reaction and change of micrangium and to evaluate the effect of CMH on trauma healing. 中华墨汁灌注,组织切片,HE染色,观察炎症反应及微血管变化的情况。
- Propagation of flat and Gaussian light beam in biological tissue is simulated with Monte-Carlo method. 摘要用蒙特卡罗方法模拟了均匀分布光和高斯分布光在生物组织内的传播。
- Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) is use of radiofrequecy energy to destroy biological tissue for medical treatment. 射频消融治疗也称为:射频消融;射频消融治疗;射频消融.
- Histotechnology was used and the tissue slice technique in different conditions was compared for the research of meat quality. 测定了几个品种猪背最长肌和腰大肌的组织特性,并进行了品种间和部位间的比较;
- Based on the interaction theory mechanism of laser-biotissue, optothermal response of biological tissue is discussed. 摘要基于激光与生物组织相互作用机理,概述了生物组织的光热响应过程。
- Objective To observe the progress of in-stent restenosis after percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty(PTCA) with the improved method of hard tissue slicing. 目的采用改进的硬组织切片技术观察血管成形术后的支架内再狭窄情况。
- Finally,experiments of bio-micro-dissection on liver tissue slice are carried out with the tool,and better microdissection result is obtained. 最后,针对肝脏组织病理切,利用该显微切割工具进行超声振动显微切割实验,获得了较好的切割效果,充分验证了生物组织切片超声振动显微切割可行性。
- Measurement of Optical Properties of Biological Tissue Based on Scanning Photoacoustic Technology[J]. 引用该论文 Xie Wenming;Li Hui;Li Zhifang;Liu Huiqing.
- Based on the interaction theory mechanism of laser-biotissue,optothermal response of biological tissue is discussed. 基于激光与生物组织相互作用机理,概述了生物组织的光热响应过程。
- Methods Cytopathogenic effect (CPE) caused by WNV was observed in Vero-E6 and C6/36 cells, and the negative stain and tissue slice samples for electron microscopy were prepared. 方法 选择Vero E6与C6 36细胞观察WNV的细胞病变效应 (CPE) ,并制作电镜负染标本和组织切片标本进行病毒形态学鉴定 ;
- Multiresolution analysis is used to estimate the scatterer spacing in biological tissue from the back-scattering signal. 本文研究了从生物组织的背向散射信号中提取散射元间距信息的多分辨率分析方法。
- The tissue slice of sheep kidney in conjugation with ammonia gas sensing probes yields a sheep kidney tissue based membrane electrode with a high selectivity for D-amino acids. 将羊肾切片组织配合氨气敏电极可制成对D-氨基酸具有高选择性的羊肾组织膜电极。
- In this paper, a water-cooled two-slot dipole, radiating in a biological tissue, is analyzed with a theoretical electromagnetic model by using superimposition principle. 本文根据电磁场迭加原理,计算了水冷式双缝隙微波偶极子辐射器的热场(比吸收率和温度)分布;
- Mean scatterer spacing(MSS) is an important parameter for describing the biological tissue microstructure and its ultrasonic scattering characteristics. 生物组织散射元平均间距是描述生物组织微观结构特性和生物组织超声散射特性的重要参数。
- In this model, the biological tissue is assumed as porous media.The phase change process occurs in a temperature range, and there is a concomitant zone of ice and liquid. 生物组织作为一种多孔介质,其相变发生在一个温度范围内,且存在一个固相与液相共存的糊状过渡区。
- A set of experimental system has been established, and photoacoustics signals generated in real biological tissue have been detected through experiments. 摘要建立了一套侧试系统,对几种真实生物组织产生的光声信号进行了侧试。
- Methods The natural distribution aquatic environment investigation、the biology parameter measurement、the gonad tissue slice observation and the artificial multiplication experiment were carried out. 方法进行裸项栉虎鱼天然分布水域环境调查、生物学参数测定、性腺组织切片观察及室内人工繁养殖试验。
- Fluorescence methods provide a relatively sensitive measure of oxidation products in biological tissues. 荧光是测定生物组织中的氧化产物的一个比较灵敏的方法。
- The paper illustrates the effects of high-irradiance-laser on biological tissues and thermal damage theory in detail. 详细阐述了强激光对生物组织的影响以及热损伤原理。