- biomaterial upgradation 生物质发电
- The biomaterial was replaced by connective tissue within 6 weeks. 在6周之内,此种生物材料逐渐被结缔组织取代。
- Fibroin protein will have a extensively wide uses on biomaterial. 丝素蛋白在生物材料方面有非常广阔的应用前景。
- Porous magnesium has obvious advantages as bone tissue engineering biomaterial. 多孔镁作为骨组织工程材料具有明显的优势。
- Database of old version upgradation, and some popular clip-softs database file conversion. 旧版数据库升级转换,可考虑兼容部分流行剪贴板软件的数据库转换。
- P.G.S.R. enjoys certain facilities.As any Technological upgradation within J.N.T.U. starts with I. 该大学以加强和发展标准的技术教育,使之能应用于农村和工业的发展为崇高目标。
- Technical textiles have also been brought under the ambit of the Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme, the minister said. 技术纺织部也在技术更新基金计划的管理范围之内,该部长表示。
- A guarantee to use the biomaterial for experimental purpose only before the grant of the patent right. 在授予专利权前,只作为实验目的使用的保证。
- As to its low immunity, hyaluronic acid is an excellent biomaterial for tissue engineering. 其低免疫原性使之成为优良的生物材料,用于组织工程。
- Bioglass - ceramic is a kind of biomaterial with great prospect, its investigation is very active in the word. 生物微晶玻璃是很有前途的一类生物材料,各国对其研究非常活跃。
- The materials in this regard are often divided into two categories: biomaterial and non-boimaterial. 用于修复腹壁缺损的材料一般分为生物性和非生物性两种。
- This upgrad includs a hexagon structure, a tiny, tiny island for tiny furry, some seemingly open water, and of course, some wash waves over the water. 这个版本包括一幢六边形结构的建筑,一个很小,很小的,小动物住的岛,一点貌似开阔的水面,当然,还包括水面上的一些浪。
- In this report, we focus on current advances of osteoconductive biomaterial in bone regeneration. 本文就近年来在该方面的研究进展作一综述。
- Moreover, the interest rates needed to be fixed at four per cent for the stone industry, just like the Textile Upgradation Fund scheme (TUF). 此外他还认为石材利率应和纺织品升级基金方案一样,都定在4%25。
- Collagen is a kind of natural protein material and can be applied to the biological field as a biomaterial. 胶原作为一种天然蛋白质材料,可应用于生物医学领域。
- This new biomaterial could be expected to find wide application in the medical treatment in future. 这种新型的、兼具优良血液相容性和良好力学性能的复合材料可望在生物医学工程方面得到应用。
- The modifi cation on the biomaterial surface is the common method to improve the compatibility. 对生物材料表面加以修饰是改善其相容性的常用方法。
- Then, Page and his team will try to get those cells to form around a scaffolding of tiny threads, made of biomaterial. 然后,佩吉和他的小组会尽力在细胞周围形成一个由生物材料制成的棚架式的细丝群。
- Merger of integrated management system manufacturer in library automation business arena and the upgradation of products have urged libraries to reevaluate the current systems. 随着图书馆集成管理系统厂商的不断整合以及产品的更新换代,图书馆用户必须对现有产品进行重新评估。
- Objective To explore the potential application of medical chitosan biomaterial in the field of orthopaedics. 目的探索医用几丁糖生物材料在整形外科中的潜在应用。