- Research on walking gait based on biped soccer robot 双足足球机器人行走步态研究
- Research on Real-time Obstacle Avoidance Navigation System of Biped Soccer Robot 双足足球机器人实时避障导航系统研究
- biped soccer robot 双足足球机器人
- Qinghua University soccer robot competition procedures. 清华大学足球机器人大赛程序。
- Navigation based on two different structured CCD cameras mounted on small size autonomous soccer robot is presented. 摘要对所开发的小型全自主足球机器人只依靠双目异构视觉进行导航问题进行了研究。
- The experiments show that it has completed the function of FIRA's ROBOSOT(autonomous soccer robot )vision system. 实验表明系统很好实现了FIRA的ROBOSOT(自主式足球机器人)视觉系统的功能。
- The application of impenitency search strategy on the soccer robot system was studied. 研究了不悔步方式搜索策略在微型机器人足球系统中的应用.
- The omni-directional soccer robot moves agilely and can meet demands of small soccer robot match better. 全方位轮足球机器人运动灵活,能够较好地满足小型足球机器人比赛的需要。
- Using the Extenics to study the soccer robot is still an adventurous and novel attempt, so it has perfect research foreground. 运用可拓学研究足球机器人无论是在足球机器人领域,还是在可拓学的人工智能领域都属首次尝试,具有重要的研究意义。
- Discretize the target variable of robot actions, get the discrete variable action space and construct the reactive soccer robot strategy system. 将足球机器人的动作进行离散化处理,得到离散变量动作空间,并建立了基于该空间的反应式足球机器人策略系统。
- Then the approach of data fusion and coordination based on the two-CCD system to implement navigation of soccer robot are analyzed in detail. 然后重点分析了基于双目协调的足球机器人导航数据融合方法和双目协调机理。
- Discuss the relevant structure of Strategy control system of Soccer Robot. Design one Strategy control system of Soccer Robot based on SMIS-HSIC theory. 以足球机器人策略系统结构为研究对象,探讨了相关的控制结构,设计了基于图式理论的仿人智能系统的足球机器人策略系统。
- The conception of dynamic referencing circle was introduced, and a shooting algorithm for soccer robot was proposed to improve the shoot success ratio. The motion trail of the shooting robot looks like a Archimedean axiom in the proposed algorithm. 为提高足球机器人的射门成功率;在分析了几种射门算法存在不足之处的基础上;引入动态基准圆的概念;提出了一种运动轨迹采用近似阿基米德螺线的射门算法.
- Under the above background and based on analyzing Sensory-Motor Intelligent Schemas based HSIC (SMIS-HSIC), we try to construct the control framework for the soccer robot"s motion control. 以足球机器人运动控制为研究对象,探讨了相关的控制结构,设计了相关的基于人体动觉智能图式的仿人智能控制器。
- We have made a research on Omni-vision System, which is used by autonomous soccer robot, and Omni-vision System is involved in Image Processing, Image Analysis, Image Understanding, etc. 本文的研究内容是应用于全自主足球机器人的全维视觉系统,全维视觉系统涉及图像处理、图像分析和图像理解等多个门类的知识。
- The design of omni-vision system fulfills the dements of Middle-Size Soccer Robots and is easy to be implemented. 2) At the stage of image processing. 2)在图象处理阶段,本文通过径向变步长扫描实现快速的特征点提取,并通过实验标定的方式取得图象象素点与地面点的对应关系表,为机器人视觉定位提供了必要的数据基础。
- Design of A Small-Sized Soccer Robot Kicker 小型足球机器人踢球器的设计
- A Novel Behavior Generation Method for Soccer Robot 一种新的足球机器人行为产生方法
- Design of Soccer Robot Control Circuit Based on DSP 基于DSP的足球机器人控制电路设计
- Design of soccer robot strategy base on AGA 基于自适应遗传算法的足球机器人策略设计