- The date of birth and death of Qu Yuan is unknown. 屈原的生卒年月不详。
- Yours, the birth and death of a generation. 你的,则描绘了一生的沧桑曲折。
- We have no choice in birth and death. 在出生和死亡方面我们毫无选择。
- The dates of Arda's birth and death are unknown. 阿尔达的出生与死亡日期则不明。
- The birth and death of the leaves are the rapid whirls of the eddy whose wider circles move slowly among stars. 绿叶的生与死乃是旋风的急骤的旋转,它的更广大的旋转的圈子乃是在天上繁星之间徐缓的转动。
- Birth and old age, sickness and death, no one can avoid. 生老病死是不以人的意志为转移的。
- The distance between birth and death is relatively short. 生死之间的距离其实很短。
- So is all change for the better, like birth and death which convulse the body. 一切能使情况好转的变迁都是如此,正如振撼整个人体的生与死一样。
- I am drowning in the painful, fathomless whirlpool of repeated birth and death. 我在痛苦中沉溺,陷入深不可测重复生死的漩涡。
- Births and deaths must be registered. 本港居民的出生和死亡,均须登记。
- Both birth and death rates are strikingly different between the two groups of countries. 两类国家的出生率和死亡率显著不同。
- Tomorrow is another day, that means the dis tance between birth and death is going to be smaller. 明天又是另一天;那表示出生与死亡的距离又接近了.
- "I am drowning in the painful, fathomless whirlpool of repeated birth and death. “我在痛苦中沉溺,陷入深不可测重复生死的漩涡。
- Our actions keep us bound to the continuous cycle of worldly existence, to the endless round of birth and death. 我们的行为把我们系缚在不断循环的生死轮回之中。
- English Sentence There is no cure for birth and death save to enjoy the interval. 生和死都无法治,只有享受两者之间的间隔。
- But fortunately, life is nothing but a continuing dance of birth and death, a dance of change. 但幸运的是,生命是恒常的生死拥舞,无常之舞。
- The birth and death of the leaves are rapid whirls of the eddy whose wider circles move slowly among stars. 绿叶的生死,掌握在旋风急速的回转中,更广阔的旋转,在天上的繁星之间缓缓流动着。
- Being is the eternal, ever-present One Life beyond the myriad forms of life that are subject to birth and death. 存在是超出那些无数受到出生、死亡影响的生命形式的那个永恒、永远在现在的一生。
- NGC 6946 is also bright in infrared light and rich in gas and dust, exhibiting a high star birth and death rate. NGC 6946充满气体以及尘埃,有很强的红外线波段的发光,因此有很高的星球出生率以及死亡率。
- The birth and death of the leaves are the rapid whirls of the eddy whose circles move slowly amony the stars. 生死也是泰戈尔最喜欢描述的题材,这首歌配合得挺好。