- It was as black as pitch inside the room. 房内漆黑一片。
- I got home very late. It was as black as pitch and I knocked over the milk bottles,waking up the whole house hold. 那天我很晚回家,天漆黑漆黑的,我踢翻了牛奶瓶,把全家都吵醒了。
- I got home very late. It was as black as pitch and I knocked over the milk bottles,waking up the whole household. 那天我很晚回家,天漆黑漆黑的,我踢翻了牛奶瓶,把全家人都吵醒了。
- His room was as black as pitch with the thick darkness for the shutters were close fastened, through fear of robbers. 他生怕强盗抢,百叶窗关得严严密密,房里漆黑。
- I got home very late. It was as black as pitch and I knocked over the milk bottles, waking up the whole house hold. 那天我很晚回家,天漆黑漆黑的,我踢翻了牛奶瓶,把全家都吵醒了。
- I got home very late. It was as black as pitch and I knocked over the milk bottles, waking up the whole household. 那天我很晚回家,天漆黑漆黑的,我踢翻了牛奶瓶,把全家人都吵醒了。
- Extremely dark; black as pitch. 乌黑的; 黑如沥青的
- Things don't look as black as that. 情况并非如此之糟。
- There was no moon and it was dark as pitch. 晚来无月,四下里一片漆黑。
- It was as dark as pitch inside the church. 教堂内漆黑一片。
- White on the outside, black as tar on the inside. 外表皮肤是白,可骨子里却沥青般的黑。
- He is not so black as he is painted . 他不像人所形容的那样坏。
- I'm not as black as you paint me. 我并不是如你所想象的那样坏。
- What happen, your face is as black as the coal. 发生什么事了,你的脸黑得跟煤似的。
- Look at your hands,boy,they're as black as coal. 孩子,看看你的一双手,脏得要命。
- Hey. Black as the ace of spades. 嘿。就像黑桃ace一样的黑色。
- Confess it. Your heart is as black as mine. 承认吧,你的心肠同我一样的黑。
- I'm glad that he is not so black as he is painted. 我很高兴他不象传说的那样坏。
- The devil not so black as he is painted. 魔鬼不像描述的那么黑。
- Without lights, the room was as black as night. 没有灯光,这个屋子和晚上一样暗。