- The leader of the black community protested against the new policy. 黑人社区的领袖们对于新的政策表示抗议。
- I can no more disown him than I can disown the black community. 我不能否认他,如同我不能否认黑人共同体。
- You're worrying too much. You have a lot of support in the black community. 我觉得你过于担心了,黑人社区很支持你的。
- You'll be sure to get off your asses and do what needs to be done for the black community. 你们肯定会行动起来,为黑人社会做需要做的事情。
- In a segregated America, the NAACP's role in helping the black community was undeniable. 在一个隔离化的美国,NAACP在帮助黑人群体方面的作用无可置疑。
- In the black community long straight hair is often considered more beautiful than short kinky hair. 在黑人社会,长长的直发通常被认为比短的卷发漂亮。
- On the show, Lieutenant Daniels worries about how the black community will react to his white girlfriend. 剧中,丹尼尔斯中尉很担心那些黑人成员将如何对待他的白人女友。
- Black sexism is in fact a representation of white racism in the black community. 性别主义实际上是白人种族主义在黑人社会内部的延续。
- Her act of courage not only inspired the black community to boycott the city bus system but also launched the Civil Rights movement in America. 她的勇气之举不仅激起了黑人团体对城市公交系统的抵制,还在美国开展了民权运动。
- There's no question that homophobia is a problem in the black community, especially the churchgoing segment of said community. 毫无疑问,恐同确实是黑人社区存在的一个问题,尤其在每周去教堂做礼拜的地区。
- Many thought that the black community had grown too complex to have a black leader, that the entire idea was antiquated. 许多人认为黑人社会成分太复杂,不肯呢感产生一位深孚众望的领导人,甚至说这种斗争观念已经过时了。......
- The verdict inflamed the black community, which had long felt that the Los Angeles Police Department was riddled with racism. 上述判决激恼了黑人社会,长期以来,他们一直觉得洛杉矶警察局种族主义泛滥。
- There was no prominent expression of outrage from the black communities. 黑人社区对此事也没有明确表示愤慨。
- But he was also famed for his civil rights work, especially for the black community, and his refusal to fight in Vietnam. 阿里支持民权运动的工作同样引人注目,尤其表现在他为黑人争取民主权利和反对越战的行动中。
- Did anyone give Michael Richards a bye after his chronic apologies to the black community after his N-word peppered rant at the Laugh Factory? 有没有任何人在麦克理查德再微笑工厂节目上说出对黑人连珠炮式的侮辱字眼后长时间对黑人社区的道歉后给他一句再见?
- At that time there were concerns in the black community that family planning, especially family planning clinics dominated by whites, were a form of racial genocide. 当时在黑人社区当中,推广计划生育,特别是由白人开办的诊所推广计划生育,被看作是种族灭绝的企图。
- I began to campaign hard in Fort Smith, where there was strong support from the black community, especially after I joined the local chapter of the NAACP. 我开始在史密斯堡发动强大的宣传攻势,得到了黑人社区的强劲支持,特别是我在加入了全国有色人种协进会在当地的分会之后。
- "It seems like the frame for the passage of Prop 8 is going to be "It's because Obama's candidacy caused increased black turnout, and the black community is homophobic. 8号提案之所以通过,看起来是“因为奥巴马的竞选增加了黑人投票率,而黑人社区是恐(惧)同(性恋)的。”
- He was in black from crew to earing. 他全身上下都穿着黑衣服。