- Investigators searched around the crashed plane for the black box flight recorder. 调查者们在坠毁的飞机周围寻找载有飞行记录的黑匣子。
- Authorities have found one of two black box flight data recorders from the aircraft. Data and cockpit voice recorders can provide vital information about the aircraft's last moments. 当局已从失事的飞机找到记录飞行数据的一个或两个黑匣子,数据和驾驶舱的语音记录将能提供飞机最后时刻的重要信息。
- Subsystems of flight control system II. 飞行控制系统的分系统2。
- The black box showed why the plane had crashed. 黑匣子揭示了飞机坠毁的原因。
- China Lanzhou Flight Control Co. 兰州飞行控制有限责任公司。
- The Nest The Black Box: Friend or Foe? 黑盒子可能会将你弹射到任意一个方向。
- This laboratory manual uses the "Black box" idea. 在实验室守则中使用“黑箱”理论。
- The next flight control keys around, the space bar shooting. 上下左右键控制飞行,空格键射击。
- Key then used, the flight control around key direction. 然后用上键飞翔,左右键控制方向。
- They faild to find the black box after the accident. 事故发生后,他们没有找到黑匣子。
- They have not got suitcases, but each is carrying a big black box. 他们没有小提箱,但是每人提着一个大黑盒子。
- Hackers have been profiting by "Black Box analysis" for years. 近年来,黑客一直在利用“黑箱分析”得益。
- We have burn complete," the commentator at the flight control center announced. ‘卡西尼’号已经完成熄火”,飞行控制中心的工作人员宣布。
- HtmlUnit still fits into the black box test category. HtmlUnit还适合黑箱测试类型。
- When we took out the black box, we found out why the plane clashed. 当我们取出黑匣子后,才知道飞机坠毁的原因。
- The design of the flight control system with the vectored thrust is discussed. 对带推力矢量飞机的飞控设计问题进行了研究。
- Flight controllers could no longer hear Glenn. 飞行指挥员们再也无法听到格伦的声音。
- The black box that is FICC generated 70% of net revenue. 创造70%25净收入的是固定收益、外汇和商品业务。
- And during this case, flight control system (FCS) plays a more important role . 在上述改进的基础上,飞行控制系统起到关键性的作用。
- You know that indestructible black box that is used on airplanes? 你知道那个飞机上的不会毁坏的黑匣子吗?