- Micro-axial Flow Blood Pump's Blade Flow Field Calculation Using CFD 微型轴流式血泵叶轮流场CFD计算分析
- blade flow field 叶轮流场
- The teeming time and height affect flow field too. 并分析了流体注入时间、注入高度对流场的影响。
- The influence of blade thickness and torsion on the flow field at low Reynolds number for rotor in a hover is studied with the Chimera grid technique. 摘要运用嵌套网格技术研究了浆叶的厚度和扭转对低雷诺数旋翼流场的影响。
- A fast and accurate blade to blade viscous code which uses finite volume time marching method for solving the flow field of turbomachinery has been established. 以有限体积显式时间推进方法为基础,用粘性体积力方法模拟湍流粘性流动,用局部时间步长和多重网格方法提高计算效率,方程中的自变量选取在控制体顶点。
- In the process of the flow field calculation, the loading of blade inlet under non-cavitating condition was analyzed;the cavitation performance for the inducer was calculated. 在流场计算研究中,分析了无汽蚀条件下叶片前缘的负荷,然后进行了诱导轮汽蚀性能的计算。
- Error: gui-monitor-residuals: Uninitialized flow field. 直译就是流场没有初始化!!!!重新初始化。
- Fluid pressure signal validates result of flow field computation. 液体压力信号验证流场建模与计算的结果。
- The results show the weak coating region and provide life prediction by simulating the erosion process of blade coating with the flow field data and erosion resistance performance parameters. 最后,将流场数据和涂层抗冲蚀磨损性能参数相结合来模拟叶片涂层的冲蚀过程,指出了涂层的薄弱区域并进行了寿命预测。
- The flow field parameter distribution can be affected more in upper stream, especially near the leading edge area while the mach number distribution of the upstream blade surface is affected little. 对上游进口段,特别是靠近叶片前缘区域流场参数分布有较大影响,但对于上游叶片表面马赫数影响不大。
- The research was made on the afterbody flow field of civil aircraft. 本文运用计算与实验相结合的研究方法对民机机身后体流场进行了研究。
- The position of the bottom blown nozzles will influence the flow field d... 在吹气量一定的情况下,底吹喷嘴位置对流场有较大影响。
- The typical seepage flow field of the bottom for the spillway dam is obtai... 最后计算了典型的坝基渗流流场,计算结果与实验结果吻合较好。
- Experimental Study on Image Preprocessing of Thermal Flow Field Tomogram[J]. 引用该论文 姚卫;闫大鹏;王振东;尤海航;贺安之.
- Finally, experiments are performed to testify the flow field simulation results of FTX polygon. 最后本文对六棱柱元件的流场模拟计算结果进行了实验验证。
- This curvature of the flow field alters the pressure distribution and the aerodynamic forces from their values in translational flight. 流场的弯曲使压力分布和空气动力与直线飞行时的值相比发生了变化。
- The flow field inside an oil-gas separator are simulated with Discret Phase Model(DPM). 用DPM模型对油气分离器内的气液两相流流场进行了数值模拟。
- A quenching tank with agitator system and flow-equalizing equipment was selected to simulate the flow field in it. 本文选择适用于工业生产的带有搅拌系统和均流装置的淬火槽,对淬火介质在槽内的流场分布进行模拟。
- The response factor approach involves a much simplified treatment of the flow field. 响应系数方法对流场处理得非常简单。
- Numerical simulation of flow field in an empty spray column used for wet flue gas desulfuration. 湿法脱硫喷淋塔空塔流场数值模拟。