- The student blamed the teacher for failing the exam. 那个学生把考试不及格归咎于老师。
- The teacher as much as the parents is to blame. 老师和家长都应受责备。
- The teacher asked the pupil to put his hand down. 老师叫这个小学生把手放下。
- The teacher let him off the hook with a warning this time. 这一次老师放过他,只给了一个警告。
- The pupils sneaked on each other to the teacher. 学生相互向老师讲了我的坏话。
- The teacher get a raspberry as she turn her back. 该教师转过身去时有人用舌与唇发出嘲笑她的声音。
- The teacher tick off a name on a list. 老师在名单上的一个名字旁打勾。
- The teacher has been trying to hammer in the facts. 教师一直设法把这些事实灌输给学生。
- The teacher was extolling her work to the skies. 教师极力称赞她功课好。
- I blame the wet road for the accident. 我把此意外归咎于路面湿滑。
- He gave a quick answer to the teacher's question. 他对老师的提问作出了迅速的回答。
- I do not blame the law, but I bless God. 我并不诋毁法律,但是我颂扬上帝。
- I wonder if I am in the good graces of the teacher. 我不知道是否讨老师的喜欢。
- The teacher asked the pupils not to speak at once. 老师叫学生们不要同时说话。
- I do not blame the law,but I bless God. 我并不诋毁法律,但是我颂扬上帝。
- The teacher defended her pupils from the mad dog. 那位教师保护了学生们,使其免遭疯狗的伤害。
- Don't blame the failure on him, but on me. 别把失败归咎于他,该怪我。
- The teacher spotted a mistake in his home work. 老师在他的家庭作业中看出了一个错误。
- The teacher told him to stay behind after class. 老师要他下课後先别走。
- You can't blame the quality on the printout? 你难道不可以归罪于打印输出的质量吗?