- The Blast Air Dispensation Automation Control System for Blast Furnace Air Supply 高炉供风拨风自动控制系统
- blast air supply 供风
- No air filter is considered for air supply unit. 新风处理机组没有考虑空气过滤处理。
- Watch to time air supply in aqualung. 用手表来计算氧气瓶中气体的供应量。
- Is the air supply dewpoint below -40C? 提供的空气是否低于零下40度?
- The noise level of air supply unit should be marked on the drawing. 机组要有噪声要求。
- Oven is heated by hot blast air circularly and equably automatic control of temperature. 采用热风循环加热,烘箱加热均匀;
- BD Compact: reliable air supply for work and rescue. BD紧密︰工作的可靠的空气供应和援救。
- The dehydration of coal gas for Cowper blast air heater proves effective when pipe cycling plate is used. 考贝氏热风炉使用的煤气采用管道旋流板脱水效果良好。
- A filament designed to remove small particles from the air supply. 用于通过空气移除小粉末粒子的纤维。
- Control technology of air intake for blast furnace air supply system is introduced, and it can avoid serious accident of slag entering into the inlet caused by sudden trip of blast furnace blower. 介绍了适用于高炉供风系统的拨风控制技术,此技术有效地避免了因高炉鼓风机组故障突然停机而导致的高炉风口灌渣的严重事故。
- The Isa technology comprises blowing a certain amount of blast air and oxygen through the lance into the molten bath consisting of concentrate, fluxes and reverts. 艾萨技术包括通过喷枪向熔池喷吹一定量的空气和氧气,同时向熔池内加入精矿、熔剂和返料。
- A bagpipe is a wind instrument that gets its air supply through a bag. 风笛是一种风乐器,即其空气来源是由袋子供应;
- The sizing of instrument air supply subheaders shall be as per Appendix III. 仪表风分支总管的尺寸计算应符合附件III的要求。
- Shut off air supply, release pressure and disconnect air supply before disconnecting tool. 关掉工具前先关气、减压、和切断供气。
- Air supply connection is designed in accordance with NAMUR Standard to install solenoid valves. 气源接口符合NAMUR标准,可简单方便地安装电磁阀。
- The main problem was the inconvenience of having to use hoses for our air supply. 主要问题是必须用软管供给空气的困难。
- Some of your biggest musical influences have been the Carpenters and Air Supply CDs. 对你影响最大的音乐,包括木匠兄妹和空中补给的专辑。
- The accordion was in full blast in the hall. 在大厅里手风琴拉得非常响亮。
- Effect of Air Supply on Smoke Density in Fuel Gases from Burning Distillate Fuel, Test for (05. 测定燃烧的燃料中油气的烟密度的效应的试验方法(05。