- The violence is legendary. Characters are chased with cleavers, blasted with shotguns, and even blown apart with explosives. 暴力成就传奇故事。主人公被砍肉刀追赶,挨枪子,还要被炸药炸得四分五裂。
- If you're careless with explosives they can blow you into the next world. 如果你对炸药掉以轻心,那这玩意可会送你上西天的。
- Biological Control of Rice Blast with Bacillus spp. 水稻稻瘟病拮抗细菌的筛选与防治初探。
- This idea will be a blast with all your mates. 这个想法会让你所有同伴感到一阵兴奋。
- It's most dangerous to play with explosives. 玩弄炸药是很危险的。
- They rigged the planes with explosives! 他们用炸药装配飞机!
- I will have our people rig them with explosives. 我将会用炸药让我们的民族装配他们。
- The students were not to experiment with explosives. 这些学生不试验炸药。
- If you're careless with explosives,they can blow you into the next world. 如果你对炸药掉以轻心,那这玩意可会送你上西天的。
- Maybe we can round them up and take a large chuck of them out with explosives. 如果我们能把它们引到一起,就能用炸药干掉了。
- The transformer substation survived the blast with relatively minor damage to the essential components. 经爆震波袭击后未被毁坏的变电站的重要组件受到较小的损坏。
- Blasters in this unit group fill blast holes with explosives and detonate explosives to dislodge coal, ore and rock or to demolish structures. 爆破员用炸药填补爆破洞,然后引爆炸药提炼出煤炭,矿石和岩石或粉碎建筑物。
- Bicycles rig with explosives rip through an outdoor market South of Baghdad. 几辆绑有炸弹的自行车炸毁了巴格达南部的一家露天超市。
- An airplane loaded with explosives to be piloted in a suicide attack. 神风突击机装有炸弹,被驾驶着撞击目标并与之同归于尽的飞机
- He bent double with explosive laughter. 他大笑得直不起腰来。
- I enjoy playing with explosive devices. 我喜欢玩爆破装置。
- [tr][td][size=12px][size=2][color=royalblue]The violence is legendary. Characters are chased with cleavers, blasted with shotguns, and even blown apart with explosives. 暴力成就传奇故事。主人公被砍肉刀追赶,挨枪子,还要被炸药炸得四分五裂。
- The enemies of the general sent him a box filled with explosive material, but he set the suspicious box by. 敌人给将军送来一个装满炸药的盒子,但是将军把那个可疑的盒子搁在了一边。
- In order to loosen the coal, the miners made holes in the dividing wall and filled them with explosives. 为了使煤层松动,矿工们在隔墙上打了炮眼,装进了炸药。
- The similarity of LhcaPe01 DNA sequence and encoding amino acid sequence blast with barley is the highest in Gramineae family. 编码的氨基酸序列同源性与核酸序列同源性一致,最高是毛竹与大麦,水稻次之。