- Bleach Dilution and Cleaning of Vomitus 稀释漂白水及呕吐物处理
- Any areas that are thought to be contaminated with parvo should be thoroughly washed with chlorine bleach diluted 1 ounce per quart of water. 任何有可能感染病毒的物体都必须用1盎司的漂白粉用1夸脱的水稀释后清洗。
- She steeped the stained cloth in bleach overnight. 她把有污迹的衣服在洗衣粉里浸了一夜。
- A strong household bleach might rot the fibers. 强力家用漂白剂可能会破坏衣物的纤维。
- I'd like to buy a strong household bleach. 我想买强力家用漂白剂。
- bleach dilution 漂白稀释剂
- A strong household bleach might rot the fibres. 强力家用漂白剂可能会破坏衣物的纤维。
- The factory produces bleach and washing-up liquid. 这家工厂生产漂白液和餐具的洗涤液。
- Emerald sea,sardius ground,jasper sky to bleach. 翡翠之海,玛瑙的大地,漂白那碧玉色的天空。
- Cardiac output was measured by thermo dilution. 用热稀释法测定心输出量。
- She left the cloth in the sun to bleach. 她把那块布放在日光下晒白。
- There is no hard and fast rule about dilution. 至于稀释程度,没有严格的规定。
- Where can I get detergent and bleach? 洗衣粉和和漂白剂我该在哪儿买呢?
- MICs were determined by an agar dilution method. MIC测定采用琼脂稀释法。
- Gradually allow sweat evaporation, dilution. 让汗水渐渐蒸发,稀释。
- When the bleach light goes on,add bleach. 漂白剂的灯亮了,就加漂白剂。
- These outbreaks can be prevented by quarantining newly-arrived puppies and sanitizing the facility with a 1:20 dilution of ordinary household bleach. 但是这种发病通常可以通过新进动物的检疫和消毒进行很好的防治,如家用漂白粉1/20稀释消毒。
- Mrs. Johnson, are you sure she swallowed bleach? 詹森太太,你确定她喝的是漂白剂吗?通常小孩子不会将漂白剂误认成食物。
- To bleach(hair)with hydrogen peroxide. 用过氧化氢漂白(头发)
- Can they bleach ostrich feathers? 他们能把鸵鸟毛弄白吗?