- Block direction image filter 方向图滤波
- block direction image 方向图
- block directional image 块方向图
- The coating structure is characterized by direct image of TEM and indirect analysis of component. 包覆结构主要用透射电镜直接观测和成分对比分析等间接手段表征。
- This paper presents an algorithm which directly computes the direction image on the gray level images.Experimental results show that it is feasible for fingerprint processing. 该文介绍了一种直接利用指纹灰度信息进行指纹图像方向图计算的方法,实验结果表明,它是行之有效的。
- The creation of this particle: firstly, it converts word description into chart analysis and consists direct image mode of talent motivation in IT enterprises in network times. 本文的创新是:一是力求把文字描述转化为一些图表分析,构建网络时代IT企业人才激励的直观形象模型;
- In the domain of geometric registration, we separatively discuss the direct image registration and feature-based image registration, and make compare with each other. 在几何学对准中我们分别讨论了直接法图像对准和基于特征的图像对准,并作了比较。
- Actually these mythologies and figures have always been the most direct image carriers of Chinese culture, wisdom and philosophy for thousands of years. 实际上这些神话故事和人物,是中国几千年以来中国文化和智慧以及哲学等多方面最直接的形象载体。
- He is a great guy, a chip off the old block. 他是一位好人,就像他父亲一样。
- But the Germans fobbed off their rivals with transcripts and reports, blocking direct access to their prize informer. 但是德国人用了一些转述和报告来应付他们的对手,这样美国人就不能与这个金牌告密者取得直接联系。
- At the same time, we can segment the directional image by detecting and adding priority in different direction and scale using two-dimension continuous GAUSS wavelet transform. 利用二维连续GAUSS小波在不同方向不同尺度对图像进行检测并做加权处理,达到了对具有方向性图像进行分割的目的。
- Though over 300 extrasolar planets have been found using other techniques, this picture likely represents the first direct image of a planet belonging to a star similar to the Sun. 尽管利用别的技术有超过300颗太阳系外行星被发现,这张影像可能是第一张直接拍摄到一颗行星围绕在类太阳恒星周围的影像。
- This paper introduces a chemically amplified photoresist appropriate for argon ion laser direct imaging. 本文介绍一种氩离子激光直接成像化学增幅感光树脂。
- That old block of flats is a real eyesore! 那座旧公寓真不顺眼!
- We introduced the concept of block directed edge cover diagonal quasi dominant matrix,obtained a new nonsingularity criteria for matrices and distribution theorem on eigenvalues of matrix. 引进了拟块有向边覆盖对角占优矩阵概念;给出了新的矩阵非奇异判定定理和特征值分布定理.
- CDF I might provide direct imaging observation on the abnormal hemodynamics of F4 and has been important in the differential diagnosis. 对主动脉骑跨的异常血液动力学改变则可直接显示,其特异性有重要的鉴别诊断意义。
- There are four types of plotters: pen, ink-jet, electrostatic, and direct imaging. 有四种类型的绘图仪:钢笔、喷墨、静电和直接图像。
- The office block is under offer. 办公大楼已有人出价购买。
- In May 2008, WWG and HKPCA jointly organized a seminar called ” New Technology of Direct Imaging ” . 五月,环球协助HKPCA举办了专题培训讲座-直接成像的最新技术发展,吸引过百人参加。
- He used his casting vote to block the motion. 他用他的投票反对动议的通过。