- Influence of nursing intervention on blood sugar and blood pres sure of climacteric women 护理干预对更年期妇女血糖血压的影响
- Blood pres sure 血压
- Let me take your blood pre ure. You look anemic. 我给你量一量血压。你好像贫血。
- Avoid high-sodium prepared foods, which can push up blood pre ure. 避免食用高盐的食物,因为这些食物可能提高血压。
- Dr. Ford proceeds to take Mr. Broun's blood pre ure. 福特大夫给布朗先生量血压。
- The downstream pipework is, as a rule, at atmospheric pres sure and is flooded when the deluge valve is released. 下游管路按规则通常是大气压下的,在阀启动后是充满水的。
- We are now faced with a very important problem, that is, the rapid increasing pres sure of population on land, or rather, on land resources. 我们正面临着一个极为重要的问题,即人口快速增长对土地,或者说对土地资源所造成的压力。
- The efficiency of Dapak rises 10%,the flux ris es 20%,the pres sure drop drops 30%,the synthetically function is more better. 峰谷搭片式波纹填料比常见的波纹填料效率高约10%25,通量增大20%25,压降降低30%25,综合性能更为优良。
- You need to have your eyes, ears and blood pre ure checked. You need to have a fluoroscopy done. 你需要检查一下眼睛、耳朵和血压。你需要做透视检查。
- The article introduces the key technology, mechanical propertiesand equipment characteristics of the first Chinese-built water pres sure tester. 介绍了国产第一台水压试验机的关键技术、机械性能及设备特点。
- Combine the usage Poiseuille s formula to cardiovascular system of human body each the analysis that flowing resistance,blood pres... 并运用泊肃叶公式对人体心血管系统中各段血管的流阻、血压及影响动脉血压的因素进行了定性的分析。
- Exce ive sodium intake could lead to high blood pre ure, strokes and heart disease. 摄取过多盐分可引致高血压、中风及心脏病。
- This paper briefs the status of timely eliminati ng condensate pump fault throngh fault diaguosis,earlier diaqnosing the low pres sure moving vane damage. 介绍了通过故障诊断方法,早期诊断出低压动叶损坏,及时排除凝结水泵故障的情况。
- Based on the fractal capillary pres sure model and the fractal dimension, the water saturation is calculated accurat ely, and the reliability of the water saturation is increased. 在毛管压力曲线分形模型和分数维的基础上,能准确确定任意含水饱和度,提高了饱和度的预测精度。
- However, experts warn that exce ive oring is not something that should be ignored for it can be a sign of ill health, with orers more likely to have high blood pre ure. 然而,专家提示,如果打鼾较为严重,千万不可忽视,因为这可能是某种疾病的征兆,打鼾严重的人患高血压的可能性较大。
- When we're confronted with danger, epinephrine (adrenaline) starts pumping, the heart eeds up, blood pre ure increases, breathing quicke . 当我们遭遇危险时,肾上腺素就会大量分泌,心跳加速,血压升高,呼吸变快。
- Body temperature is used in conjunction with the other vital sig ( re iration , pulse and blood pre ure ) to a e the patient's present condition. 护士:体温和其他生命体征(如:呼吸、脉搏和血压)共风吹草动反应出病人的情况。
- Place all tablets or ca ules requiring preadministration a e ments (e.g., pulse rate, blood pre ure) in a separate cup. 将需要进行药前评估的药品(如脉率、血压)单独放在一个杯中。
- Influences of two key gas-assisted injection molding parameters, gas delay time and the first processing pres sure, on gas channel, which will result in warpage of the part, are explored. 从气体辅助注射成型工艺的角度探讨了气体的延迟时间和第一段压力这两个关键的参数对气槽的影响进而对产品翘曲变形的影响、结果表明:虽然通过使用气体辅助注射成型技术能改善产品变形,但并不能完全消除变形;
- The temperature, injection speed, injectio n pressure, and holding pres sure of the injection molding process shoul d be controlled to achieve high quali ty of injection molded part. 温度、注射速度、注射压力和注射成型过程的保压压力是获得较高制品质量的重要影响因素。