- Some men give their blood to their country; others their spleen. 既有人为国捐躯,亦有人捐坏脾气(怀恨)。
- We' re moved by his devotion to his students. 他热爱自己的学生,我们很受感动。
- To re ect it mea to re ect the country. 尊敬它意思就是尊敬国家。
- To re regulate the health care marke... 加强对医疗服务市场的监管,克服市场失灵。
- Embarrassment caused blood to flush to her face. 困窘使血液涌到她的脸上。
- He gave his blood to help his sister. 他把血输给他妹妹以救助她。
- She felt a rush of blood to her cheeks. 她觉得血一下子涌到了脸上。
- Translator2: I give my blood to illuminate the way. 翻译者2:我献出我的鲜血以照亮前方之路。
- I will let my flesh and blood to obey my soul. 我将让我的肉体服从我的灵魂。
- Blood to make it look as though they were injured. 演员们身上涂了假血,使他们看上去像是受了伤。
- He donated blood to a blood bank. 他捐了血给血库。
- He gave his blood to help the soldier. 他献血帮助那位士兵。
- I give my blood to illuminate the way. 我献出我的鲜血以照亮前方之路。
- In one case,they re moved two males and waited for them to breed. 有一次,他们抱走两只雄鸟等着它们繁殖。
- He transfused his blood to the injured man. 他给那位受伤的人输了血。
- The veins carry blood to the heart. 静脉把血液输送进心脏.
- Officials planned to re?鄄sume the search early Sunday. 周日早上搜索工作将继续。
- It chilled my blood to think of it. 想到那件事我就打寒颤。
- Fibrin is a protein that encourages blood to clot. 纤维蛋白是一种促使血液凝固的蛋白。
- They're all sweating blood to get the work finished before Friday. 为了赶在星期五前完成,他们都在拼命做。