- The teacher blew a whistle to start the race. 老师吹哨子开始了赛跑。
- The referee blew a whistle at the end of the game. 裁判在比赛结束时吹响了哨子。
- The man produces a whistle and blows a piercing blast. 那人拿出一个哨子,用力吹了一下。
- Mend the closestood while blowing a whistle and say: wish you were my daughter! 一边吹口哨一边修马桶,说:“希望你是我的女儿!”
- You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles away. 你可以听到汽笛在百里之外响着。
- You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles... 你会听道一百里外飘来的汽笛声......
- Blow a whistle to stop the end of the match 鸣笛终止比赛
- Play may also be stopped by the referee blowing a whistle, but the game clock is not stopped, all at the discretion of the referee. 比赛可以根据裁判的哨声中断,但继续计时,这些全由裁判决定。
- The hurricane carried away the roof as slick as a whistle. 飓风把屋顶不费吹灰之力地刮掉了。
- The protester, who was held by university security guards, blew a whistle and then shouted: "How can the university prostitute itself with this dictator? 被剑桥大学保安人员扣留的这名抗议者吹口哨并大声喊叫:“剑桥大学怎么能让这个独裁者滥发言论?
- He was giving a speech at Cambridge University to a mainly Chinese audience of students and dons when the lone protester stood up at the back and blew a whistle. 正当温家宝在剑桥大学向大多是中国籍教员和学生的听众演讲时,孤零零的反对者在后排站起来并吹了声口哨。
- He broke into the discussion with a whistle of warning. 他警告性的口哨声打断了讨论。
- Mr Wen was coming to the last part of his address when a young Western-looking man with dark hair stood up, blew a whistle and shouted: “How can the university prostitute itself with this dictator? 当温先生将要演讲到最后一部分时,一个年轻的西方模样的深色头发的年轻人站立起来,吹口哨且大喊:“大学怎么能向一个独裁者出卖节操?
- After arrives there, Shin blows a whistle and the sorcery team immediately put forth their full strength to forces the devil beam back for several feet then withdraw the strength in chorus. 心:(微笑)我没事(正色)倒是法术队兄弟快撑不住了,(一手拉起铁鍊,把它扛在肩上,另一手拉著金灵)我们要快走,这上面的封印我会想办法解的!
- He used a whistle to decoy the birds within range. 他用口哨把鸟群诱至射程内。
- so he blew a whistle in surprise. 惊异地吹了一声口哨,
- He fashioned a whistle out of a piece of wood . 他用一块木头做成一个哨子。
- When he gave a whistle,his dog ran to him. 他吹了一声口哨,他的狗就向他跑来。
- He fashioned a whistle out of a piece of wood. 他用一块木头做成一个哨子。
- Suddenly, a whistle startled the goddess. 突然,一声长啸惊醒了沉睡的女神。