- He took a gun and blew her brains out. 他拿起枪,瞄准她的脑袋,把她击毙了。
- The bodyguard dashed her brains out with a single blow from his club. 那个保镖用手中的棍棒,仅仅一记猛击,就打得她脑袋开花,一命归西。
- blown her brains outv. 击头部自杀
- blow her brains outvt. 击头部自杀
- She beat her brains out during the examination. 在考试中她绞尽脑汁
- blew her brains outv. 击头部自杀
- The problem was too hard for her and she beat her brains out trying to find the answer. 那个问题对她来说是太难了,但她苦苦思索,力求找到答案
- Joe is not one to blow his brains out. 乔不是个肯卖力干活的人。
- Harry himself would probably blow his brains out. 哈里本人可能自杀。
- She used paper tissues to blow her nose. 她用棉纸擤鼻子。
- If I had caught that guy, I would have beaten his brains out. 要是当时我逮住了那家伙,准要砸烂他的狗头。
- If she finds out you spilled ink on her coat,she'll blow her stack. 如果她发现你在她上衣上洒了墨水,她会大发脾气的。
- She stopped reading for a while to rest her brains. 她放下书歇了一会儿,让脑子休息休息。
- I beat my brains out trying to think of a way of getting round the difficulty. 我绞尽脑汁,试图想出避开那一困难的办法。
- It was too hard for him and he beat his brains out trying to get the answer. 这个问题对他来说大深奥了,他绞尽脑汁想找出答案。
- She had to blow her nose to clear it when she had a cold. 当她感冒时不得不擤鼻子。
- While cleaning his shotgun he had accidentally blown his own brains out. 他擦猎枪时意外走火,打烂了自己的脑袋。
- She took out a handkerchief and blew her nose. 她拿出手帕擦了把鼻涕。
- Some students are lazy, but others beat their brains out and succeed. 有的学生懒惰。但有的学生则苦思有成。
- The problem was that with his cover blown her had nowhere to go. 问题是他既无藏身之地,也没有什么地方可去。