- A high-grade bond issued by a blue chip company in which investors can have confidence that their interest payments will not be interrupted. 由蓝筹股公司发行的高等级债券,因投资者对其利息支付有充分的信心而得名。
- Deutsche Boerse Group, a German blue chip company, is a leading service provider to the global securities industry with products and services for issuers, investors, intermediaries and data vendors. 德意志证券交易所集团是德国的蓝筹企业,是全球领先的证券业服务提供商,为发行者、投资者、中介机构以及数据所有者提供综合而全面性的产品与服务。
- The shares of their company are blue chip. 他们公司的值钱而又红利稳。
- Private investors unwilling to tolerate high levels of risk reduce this uncertainty by buying shares in blue chip companies. 不愿忍受高风险的投资者可以通过购买盈利公司的股票来避免该不稳定因素。
- Blue chip companies Sony, Panasonic, Toyota and Nissan all reported losses in May, and most are forecasting the same for the current fiscal year. 五月份,索尼、松下、丰田和日产等蓝筹股公司均报告亏损,并且大多数预测本财年将会出现相同的情况。
- Blue chip companies are using psychometric personality tests to select graduate employees because they no longer trust university degrees, a report says today. 今天一则报道说,蓝筹公司采用心理个性测验来挑选毕业生员工,因为他们再也不相信大学文凭了。
- Blue chip companies are using psychometric personality tests to select graduate employees because they no longer trust university degrees, a report say today. 最近一则报道说,蓝筹公司正在使用基于心理测量学的个人测试来挑选应届毕业生,因为他们不再相信大学的学位。
- Blue chip companies are using psychometric personality tests to select graduate employees because they no longer trust university degrees, report say today. 今天一则报道表示,蓝筹公司正使用心理个性测验来选拔毕业生员工,因为他们不再仅仅相信大学文凭了。
- SSE has also begun to examine the ETF formed by large multinational companies including Microsoft, and try to establish a “world board” to attract the international blue chip companies. 上交所方面也已经开始对微软公司等世界级大公司组合成的华股ETF进行研究,试图设立旨在吸引国际蓝筹公司的“国际板”。
- You can invest most of your money in our company, for it is a blue chip . 你可以把大部分钱投到我们公司,它可是个一贯获利的企业。
- blue chip company 蓝筹股公司,绩优股公司
- An airfield is a blue chip in the struggle for military supremacy. 机场是军事优势争夺战中的一张可靠王牌。
- What cries blue chip? With red prepare what is the area? 什么叫蓝筹股?与红筹股的区是什么?
- Mr. Jepson has a portfolio of nothing but blue chip stocks. 杰普逊先生持有的有价证券里全部都是热门股票.
- Mr. Jeppson has a portfolio of nothing but blue chip stocks. 杰普逊先生持有地有价证券里全部都是热门股票。
- Mr. Je on has a portfolio of nothing but blue chip stocks. 杰普逊先生持有的有价证券里全部都是热门股票。
- A safe investment is blue chips or, better still, gilt-edged securities. 一种可靠的投资是买值钱而热门的股票,或者更可靠的一种买安全的金边证券。
- Blue Chip A security from a well-established, financially-sound, and stable company that has demonstrated its ability to pay dividends in both good and bad times. 知名、财务稳健、证实不论市场好坏,仍有能力支付股息的公司发行的证券。
- If we see chip company of the foreign country, the software that also can detect to lade repeatedly to them also is to be centered in a few suppliers. 假如咱们看看外国的芯片公司,也会觉察到他们连装载的软件也是集中在几个供给商。
- After wherefrom, this chip company that is located in Silicon Valley produced a lot of change, it announced business of its systematic chip Geode. 从那之后,这个位于硅谷的芯片公司发生了很多变化,它宣布了自己的系统芯片Geode业务。