- blue on white incense burner 青花香炉
- House Bywater - Fretty blue on white, three silver fish on a blue chief. 蓝白交叉的格子,顶端是三条银色的鱼。
- The monk burned a stick of incense in the incense burner. 和尚在香炉里焚上一柱香。
- In front of the incense burner, there are two mats for people to kneel on. 香炉前摆着两个拜垫。
- Koware blue on white vase with purple colour 哥瓷青花加紫瓶
- blue on white and powder enamel plate 青花粉彩盘
- blue on white vase with lotus and dragon design 青花勾莲龙瓶
- Local people called it Incense Burner Stone. 当地人叫它香炉石。
- Or an incense burner? But it's a bit too big. 香炉?好像又大了点儿。
- blue on white double-happiness vase 青花喜字花觚
- The large urn ahead is an incense burner. 前面的坛是香炉。
- blue on white drum stool with lotus design 青花勾莲绣墩
- blue on white fish pot with lotus design 青花勾莲鱼缸
- blue on white floral design vase with purple colour 青花加紫花卉瓶
- Our school themes must be written in ink and on white paper. 我们学校的作文要用墨水写在白纸上。
- Therefore this incense burner cannot be sent to the temple, but left on the halfway of the mountain. 结果,这香炉没送到寺里去,就不当不正戳在这了。
- blue on white vase with dragon and phoenix design 青花龙凤花觚
- House Poole - A blue plate on white, with a grey tressure. 白色底,灰色的围边,中间为一个蓝色的餐盘。
- The monkburned a stick of incense in the incense burner. 和尚在香炉里焚上一柱香。
- Then starting Shaolin or sea, wooden fish net to incense burner. 接着出发少林要么海底,网木鱼香炉去。