- The sampling station were almost entirely consisting of blue green algae especially microaystis ,it had higher fre... 与过去同期太湖浮游植物的调查资料对比表明人为富营养化进程有所减缓。
- The Cyanobacteria (blue green algae) and soil bacteria such as Azotobacter, which carry out BNF without plant involvement, are examples of free-living nitrogen fixing organisms. 兰细菌(兰绿藻类)和土壤细菌如固氮菌都是自生固氮微生物的代表,它们可以在没有植物介入下进行生物固氮。
- The result showed that I2 was characterized to be Sphingomonas and its algae-lysing effect on Blue green Algae (Cyanobacteria) was remarkable when it was in liquid. 结果表明,I2属于鞘氨醇单胞菌属(Sphingomonas sp.;),它对蓝藻门的微囊藻有较好的液体溶藻效果。
- The blue green algae incident in Taihu Lake (located in Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province) proved that the CCP does not care if there is water to drink tomorrow, as long as there is GDP today. 经济奇迹正转变成普遍的、现实的灾难,太湖蓝藻事件表明,为了今天的GDP政绩即便明天没有水喝也在所不惜。
- But then, as Xinhua, cheerfully reminds us, China can expect a different seasonal environmental problem: lurid green algae blooms in lakes polluted with fertilizer. 不过,如新华网所提醒,又有另一个季节性的环境问题在等着我们:受到化肥污染的湖泊,又会遭受蓝藻暴发的侵袭。
- Using Fishy Organisms to Control Blue Green Algae in Raw Water for Drinking Water Supply 用鱼养水生物控制饮用水源蓝藻暴发
- Cloudy water in the aquarium is caused by a bacteria bloom, while green water is an algae bloom. 水族馆里的混浊水质是由细菌繁殖引起的,而绿色的水是由藻类繁殖引起的。
- Blue green alga 蓝藻
- At present there is a bloom of nearly 1170 tons of green algae, covering an area of about 39 sq km, in the river's tributaries and upper reaches. 据估计,黄浦江上游及主要支流绿萍污染面积已达39平方公里,总量约合1170吨。
- blue green algae 蓝藻,蓝绿藻类,兰藻
- With the development of economy in the Yangtze River Delta district,eutrophication which brings about the bloom of green alga,hyacinth and so on,has become more and more serious. 随着经济的发展,长江三角洲地区的富营养化,如蓝藻、水葫芦爆发等问题日趋严重,给该区的可持续发展带来了严重的后果。
- Blue green algae virus 蓝细菌病毒, 蓝绿藻病毒
- Workers look out Thursday to the once scenic Lake Tai, where a massive algae bloom has turned it blue-green. 周二工人发现一向风景优美的太湖水面上大量的水藻呈蓝绿色。
- Hydrologic process and meteorologic factor play an important role in the lake eutrophication and algae bloom. 水文过程与气象因子在湖泊富营养化及藻华爆发的过程中起着决定性的作用。
- Green algae is common in freshwater lakes of limestone districts. 通常在淡水湖中有石灰石的地区生长的绿藻。
- When algae bloom, they can discolor the water as they form dense areas near the surface. 当藻类开花,它们在近水面形成稠密地区,从而使水变色。
- If we can find a method to eliminate algae, we can effectively prevent the algae bloom. 如果找到了消除藻类的方法,就能有效地防止水华。
- "The local dragon, a marine iguana, grazes on green algae. 这是当地的龙,一只海生鬣蜥,它正在吃绿藻。
- Haplontic life cycles are typical of the filamentous green algae. 丝状绿藻具有典型的单倍性生物的生活史。
- During an algal bloom the PH of the water can be as high as 10. 藻类水华期间,水的pH值可高达10。