- Mr.Khrushchev, moreover, was all bluff and bluster. 尤其,赫鲁晓夫先生尽是在虚张声势。
- All bluff and bluster; in their bones they're afraid to die! 表面上耀武扬威,骨子里贪生怕死。
- Instead of admitting when we do not know something, we bluff and bluster. 我们总不愿意承认我们的无知,而是能吹则吹,能唬则唬。
- How is it possible to bargain with shopkeepers who bluff and bluster? 面对虚张声势的商家,如何讨个好价钱?
- make a show of strength; bluff and bluster 虚张声势
- The yard is all snow. He is all bluff and no bite. 院子里全是雪。他只会虚张声势
- He is very excited and angry and bluster for a while. 他非常激动,怒气冲冲,且咆哮了一阵。
- Too often, we honor swagger and bluster and the wielders of force. 我们往往予以认同崇尚暴力和狂妄自大的人.
- The Hawks called his bluff and Childress took the money and ran. 鹰队接受了这个“挑战”,而柴尔德里斯拿了钱就走人了。
- A bluff but pleasant manner; a bluff and straightforward natural leader. 直率、令人愉快的举止,直爽、粗犷的天生的领导者。
- RUDE and blustering the winds of March often are. 在象三月这样的季节里,往往狂风大作;
- He just relies on bluff and putting on a show with his bright ideas and his swank! 他的法宝就是说大话,像煞有介事,满嘴的有办法,有把握!
- At midnight the robbers came home and blustered and stormed. 半夜了,强盗大吵大嚷着回家了。
- He was very excited and angry and blustered for a while. 他非常激动,怒气冲冲,且咆哮了一阵。
- Now he only swells up in the face and blusters at me, as a rule. 现在他只是鼓着腮帮对我吼叫。
- The three would exchange stories of evading the Imperials, telling tall tales full of bravado and bluster. 这三个人都喜欢在对方面前吹嘘自己如何躲避帝国的追捕,他们的故事里充满了虚张声势的情节。
- Then Tom tumbled his ham over the bluff and let himself down after it, tearing both skin and clothes to some extent in the effort. 于是汤姆就把他那只火腿,从崖上扔下去,自己也跟着滑下来,这一滑他的衣服和皮肉都挂了彩。
- They are full of the glitter and bluster of German militarism ?mailed fist and shining armour. Poor old mailed fist! 德国军国主义的刀光剑影跃然纸上,又是“戴着护盔的拳”,又是“闪亮的护身甲”。
- He wanted us to believe he was an inspector, bt I called his bluff and asked for I.D. 他希望我们相信他是检查人员,但我要求他摊牌,亮出证件来。
- Century 21 Active Professionals - Tehama County properties, offices in Red Bluff and Los Molinos. 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。