- Losing her eyelash cause her to blush for shame. 她因为弄丢了假睫毛,羞得面红耳赤。
- She blushed for shame when she remembered how she had treated them. 她一想起当初是如何对待他们的,便羞愧得脸红。
- She blushed for shame. 她羞红了脸。
- I blush for the vices of my countrymen. 我为我同胞们的恶行而惭愧。
- Your behaviour makes me blush for your poor wife. 你的行为使我为你可怜的妻子害臊。
- He said other things I cannot speak out for shame. 他还说了些我羞于启齿的话。
- A wiseman needs not blush for changing his purpose. 智者不耻于改变初衷。
- Hearing the words,he hung down his head for shame. 听了这话,他惭愧得低下头来。
- Here are the beetle brows shall blush for me. 也罢,就让人家笑我丑,也有这一张鬼脸替我遮羞。
- For shame! He did do that thing. 不知廉耻!他真的做了这种事。
- Quit, quit for shame! This will not move. 放手,为这羞惭放手!她这样难以感动。
- Hearing the words, he hung down his head for shame. 听了这话, 他惭愧得低下头来。
- For shame, bring Juliet forth; her lord is come. 还不送朱丽叶出来,她的新郎已经来啦。
- Look for a soft creme blush for a fresher, more dewy finish. 寻找一种软性的腮红,这样可以使面貌滋润,有光泽。
- How could I utter for shame that I keep for my dowry this poverty. 我又怎能抱愧地说我的妆奁就是贫穷。
- I blush for you, Tom. I blush for the expedient which I am driven on. 汤姆,我替你害臊,我被你逼得作出这样的事情来凑合应付,感到害臊。
- For shame,John,taking the toy from your baby brother! 真丢脸,约翰,从你的小弟弟手里抢玩具!
- After awaking from alcohol,you will be blush for what you have done. 你酒醒之后,会为你的所作所为而感到羞愧。
- I blush for you. 我为你羞愧。
- I blushed for your degraded conduct. 我为你的卑劣行为而感到羞愧。