- His careful habits bode well for his future. 他那认真的习惯预示著他会有好的前途。
- The bad trading figures do not bode well for the company's future. 这些交易数额欠佳,预示公司前景不妙。
- His idle habits will not bode well for his future. 他那懒散的习惯预示着他不会有好的前途。
- Both may 12)bode well for tolerance. 也许这两者都预示着宽容之心。
- That didn't bode well for the Lakers chances. 这对湖人来说并不是好兆头。
- Such incidents do not bode well for Iraqi peace. 这类事件预示着伊拉克和平令人堪忧。
- These figures do not bode well for the company's future. 这些数据对于公司的前景不是个好兆头。
- Obama's focus on exercise may actu-ally bode well for the country. 欧巴马把重心放在运动上可能还真是国家之福。
- These recently unemployment figures bode well for Hong Kong's economy. 最近的失业数字预示香港经济即将转好。
- Being behind the curve is no fun, and it does not bode well for one's ego. 缺乏正规教育从未成为一个专业的障碍,当我年轻的时候我很容易动感情。
- It didn't bode well for a company trying to franchise and court investors. 这对一家试图进行特许并吸引投资者的企业并不好用。
- The fact that most don't, or won't, does not bode well for the future of this country. 事实表明:这个国家的前途并不看好,这是多数人不会看到,或不愿看到的事实。
- These events bode well for us. 这些事件对我们是好兆头。
- His parting shot does not bode well for all the talk in the West of a future built on international partnerships. 他最后的尖刻话语却给西方关于阿富汗未来的一切议论罩上阴影,西方希望建立一个有国际合作的阿富汗。
- The recent deterioration in trade relations does not bode well for the next meeting, which begins on May 22nd. 近来双方贸易关系恶化,对于下次会谈(3月22日开始)来说,不是什么好兆头。
- Any further biased or offensive action or words against them is tantamount to attempts to turn back the wheel of history and will not bode well for the future of Indonesia. 倘若再有任何歧视和侮辱性的动作或称呼,显然是开历史倒车,不利印尼明天的前途。
- Maturing at Internet speed,they are more connected than any generation.Both may bode well for tolerance. 他们以互联网的速度成熟,比任何一代人更彼此紧联。也许这两者都预示着宽容之心。
- But Hershey may want to pick up pieces of Cadbury, which could bode well for Buffett, some investors said. 一些投资者表示,但是,好时公司可能会收购吉百利公司的部分业务,这对巴菲特来说是个好兆头。
- And, being that we have to play the Western conference in the playoffs, it does not bode well for our chances. 而且,由于我们得在季后赛面临西部的对手,这意味着我们的机会并不大。
- For those in the full-priced retail business, this doesn't bode well for the holidays. 对于那些全价销售的零售商,这种形势对年末假日可不是好兆头。