- The article briefly narrates bursting phenomena of body and glaze appeared in ceramics external tiles quickly fired in roller hearth kiln. 简要叙述了辊道窑快速烧成陶瓷外墙砖出现的坯釉爆裂现象;
- Raman micro-spectroanalysis was used to test and analyze micron size crystal grain in the body and glaze of ancient ceramics.Several crystal grains were identified by comparing with standard spectra. 本文采用显微拉曼光谱技术对巴勒斯坦古陶瓷胎体及釉面中的微米级晶粒进行测试与分析,结合矿物标准拉曼谱,实现了对多种矿物晶粒的检测与识别。
- Have been used two year, the usage of the calculation system shows that all of the functions can fulfil the need of calculation for batch and eompesition of ceramie body and glaze in ceramic indushry. 经过两年多的应用实践表明:该软件功能齐全、运算速度快、结果准确,在生产管理和新产品开发中取得了良好效益。
- Introduce the process performane of violet soft clay in Kedong county of Hei tongjiang and test informtions of violet soft clay in the body and glaze formulation of domestic pottery products. 介绍了黑龙江省克东县紫陶土的工艺性能和紫陶土在日用陶产品、坯、釉配方中的试验情况及应用实例。
- She threw herself body and soul into her work. 她全身心地投入她的工作。
- A cigar with a long, tapering body and blunt ends. 一种长雪茄烟,一端粗一端细,两端都很钝
- A study for optimizing batch composition of ceramic body and glaze 陶瓷坯釉料配方系统的研制
- Modern Management of Batch Formula of Ceramic Tile Body and Glaze 陶瓷墙地砖坯釉料配方的科学管理
- He had flung himself into the project body and soul. 他全身心地投入到这项工程之中。
- She hardly eats enough to keep body and soul together. 她没有足够的食物来维持生命。
- For years, they are inseparable as body and shadow. 几年来,他们形影不离。
- Adjust the formula of slip and glaze to meet the requirement of production. 根据生产需要调节浆釉。
- Based onthe discriminant founctions for the chemical compositions of bodies and glazes, the dynasty of samples can be deter-mined. 综合胎、釉判别函数的判别时效,可较明确地推断未知样品的所属朝代。
- A cigar with a long,tapering body and blunt ends. 一种长雪茄烟,一端粗一端细,两端都很钝
- A printed and glazed cotton fabric, usually of bright colors. 摩擦轧光印花棉布一种通常为鲜亮颜色的轧光印花棉织物
- The chemical compositions for 44 bodies and glazes of Jingdezhen blue and white porcelain in different time peri-ods were treated by statistical analysis. 通过对44个景德镇历代青花瓷的胎、釉化学组成分别进行多元统计分析,结果表明,根据景德镇历代青花瓷的股、釉配方的演变规律,基本上可划元、明、清三个阶段。
- Health of body and mind is my gospel. 保持身心健康是我的信条
- We should do our duty to our country body and soul. 我们应当全心全意地对祖国尽自己的义务。
- He committed himself to the task body and soul. 他全身心地投入工作。