- A body of the enemy hung upon their rear. 一伙敌人紧紧地跟在他们的后面。
- The price of oil has suddenly rocketed up. 石油价格突然飞涨。
- Relaxation exercises can free your body of tension. 放松运动可以松缓身体的紧张。
- The country has abundant supplies of oil. 这个国家的石油供应充裕。
- The price of oil have reach$30 a barrel. 石油的价格已涨到每桶30美元。
- The body of teachings expounded by the Buddha. 佛法佛祖用来说明佛经的正文
- How much does a barrel of oil cost? 一桶石油要多少钱?
- There is a slick of oil on the water. 水面上有一片浮油。
- A strike is a mass refusal to work by a body of employee. 罢工就是大量雇员集体拒绝工作。
- Mexico has a large surplus of oil. 墨西哥有大量过剩的石油。
- A body of people selected or conscripted. 被选出或征召服役的一群人
- A body of unwritten religious precepts. 教义一整套非书面的宗教概念
- A small enclosed or partly enclosed body of water. 水洼,潭一片少量或部分被围的水域
- Last year there was a big supply of oil and the price hit bottom. 去年石油供给充足,价格降到最低点。
- Consumption of oil increase even after it rise in price. 即使涨价后石油的消费仍在增长。
- Land bordering a body of water; a bank or shore. 水滨,水边水体边缘的土地; 堤岸
- The Body of Oil Cylinder Techincs Design 油缸缸体的工艺设计
- A low number; a low grade of oil. 一个小的数; 低级油
- The explosion of oil prices caused an economical crisis. 石油价格的急剧上涨引起了经济危机。
- Do you know who trained our secret police, that fine body of men? 你知道是谁训练那队受人称赞的秘密警察吗?