- Typical bog plants of north temperate regions include the bog mosses(Sphagnum), cotton grasses(Eriophorum), rushes(Juncus), sedges(Carex), and certain heaths(e.g. 这种沼泽在南北温带的西部高原地区比较常见。
- Moss affects the northern slopes. 朝北的山坡易生苔。
- The attack would bog down sooner or later. 进攻迟早会陷入停滞状态。
- He was found asleep on a pillow of leaves and moss. 有人看见他枕著树叶和苔藓睡著了。
- There grows some spongy moss on the stone. 石头上长着一些柔软的苔藓。
- He is found asleep on a pillow of leaves and moss. 有人看见他枕着树叶和苔藓睡着了。
- The land is treeless: grey stone, some moss and a peaty bog. 岛上没有树:灰色的石头,一些泥沼,一个含煤沼泽。
- How did the construction work bog down? 建筑工程怎样会停下来的?
- A rolling stone gathers no moss. 滚石不生苔。
- bog moss pine forest 泥炭藓松林
- Low, flat, swampy land; a bog or marsh. 沼泽低平的沼泽地; 泥塘或湿地
- bog moss 泥炭藓
- The stones are covered with green moss. 石头上长满了青苔。
- Lack of data will bog the research down. 缺乏资料会拖这项研究工作的后腿。
- The negotiations are likely to bog down. 谈判可能会停滞不前。
- These guys are genuine bog trotters. 这些家伙是地道的爱尔兰人。
- The moss undergrew the stone patio. 在院子石头下面长出了苔藓。
- Unwittingly I walked into a bog. 不知不觉地我走进了一个烂泥塘。
- The stone steps are coated with moss. 石阶满布青苔。
- Mrs. Moss apologized for her husband. 莫斯太太替她丈夫表示歉意。