- bond paper with water mark 有水印证券纸
- bond paper without water mark 无水印证券纸
- The boy is daubing a piece of paper with red ink. 那孩子正在用红墨水在纸上乱涂。
- Fill your radiator with water, or your engine will overheat. 给你的散热器充水,否则引擎会过热。
- Liuming grows up beside the Zi River, hence he has one kind of special attachment to “the water”, He manipulates the cyanine freely, with water mark gradually, imparts his paintings vast vitality. 所以,看他的画尽管有酣畅淋漓的笔墨,但无法寻觅到传统制局下的松石溪流、小桥行云。
- He washed down a pill with water. 他用开水吞服药丸。
- He lined the paper with a blue pencil. 他用蓝铅笔在纸上划了线。
- Go and fill this bucket with water for me. 去替我装满一桶水来。
- He focused the sun's ray on a piece of paper with a burning-glass. 他用一面凸透镜把阳光在纸上聚成焦点。
- This reservoir supplies the entire city with water. 这个水库为全城供水。
- She looked up from her exam paper with a worried frown. 她看完自己的试卷愁眉不展地抬起头来。
- Iron reacts with water and air to produce rust. 铁与水和空气起化学反应而生锈。
- The wine has been thinned with water. 这酒已用水稀释。
- Fill a bottle with water through a funnel. 通过漏斗把瓶子注满水。
- The pond is dotted with water lilies. 池塘里点缀着睡莲。
- Print the contract on 24 pound bond paper instead of 20 pound copier paper. 用24磅的铜板纸而不是用20磅的复印纸来打印合同。
- A spiral jewel that gives the wearer a bond with water. 能赐予携带者与水的联系的螺旋状宝石。
- Specifies the low water mark for Send operations. 为Send操作指定低水印。
- She looked at the examination paper with a frown. 她皱着眉头看试卷。
- Specifies the low water mark for. 操作指定低水印。