- My book collecting habits are manic, and I am a confessed clutterholic. 我也承认我是一个喜欢堆杂物的人。
- He is very particular about his book collection. 他对他的藏书特别有讲究。
- My book collection occupied every last shelf in my apartment. 在我的公寓,每个书架都摆满了我收藏的书籍。
- The traditional book collecting model in academic libraries is bibliography reservation and existing book choosing,but under the internet condition collecting on net and group collecting appear. 高校图书馆传统的采访模式是书目预订和现书选购,网络条件下出现了网上采访和集团购买等形式。
- If I lose my library card they won't let me access the book collections. 如果我把图书卡弄丢的话,他们不会允许我拿那些书的。
- Libraries organize and store their book collections on shelves called "stacks. 图书馆组织并将馆藏图书收藏在书架上。
- I must admit I am very fond of collect rare book. 我得承认我很喜欢海内珍本。
- Zhou Yongnian is the forerunner of Chinese books collecting in the18 th century. 周永年是18世纪中国藏书事业的先驱人物。
- He is collecting materials for a book. 他正在为写书搜集素材。
- She's collecting material for a book. 她正在为写书搜集素材。
- You can keep my book as long as you like. 我的书你要借多久都随你的便。
- Such is the size of present-day book collections that the costs of reclassification can not be contemplated. 今天,图书馆的藏书规模过于庞大,重新分类的费用几乎无法估计。
- Noron Adianov's book collection reveals his deep affection for the Kalmuck homeland. 诺仁收集了满满一橱的喀尔玛克书籍,怀乡之情,在此显露无遗。
- Only through these can the book collection of "National Press Index" avoid demerits and make progress. 同时,加大宣传力度,扩大品牌效应,以扬长避短,求得发展。
- Book circulation rate is weighs the library book collection quality and the grade of service important target. 图书流通率是衡量图书馆藏书质量与服务质量的重要指标。
- This book collects three fairy tales, including Sleeping Beauty, The Frog Prince, and The Wild Swans. 这本书收录了三个童话故事:包括睡美人、青蛙王子和天鹅湖。
- The humanism in Chinese ancient book collection culture is embodied through benevolence, lovingness and cheerfulness. 中国古代藏书文化中的人文精神是通过仁人精神、爱物精神、乐道精神来体现的。
- You can't judge a book by its cover. 不能根据封面判断一本书(不可以貌取人)
- The depository of publications from international organizations, the Macao collection, and ancient book collection are key features of the Library. 现时图书馆藏书超过二十五万多册,馆藏特色包括国际组织出版物,澳门研究资料,古籍特藏等。
- Nothing is known of the authorship of the book. 无人知道该书是何人所写。