- The Balance of Book Copyright Trade 图书版权贸易的平衡
- The Current Book Copyright Trade in China 中国图书版权贸易现状分析及对策
- The Adverse Balance of Book Copyright Trade in Our Country and Its Countermeasures 我国图书版权贸易存在的逆差现象及解决对策
- The enlightenment of the development of book copyright trade to Chinese college publishing houses 图书版权贸易的发展对我国高校出版社的启示
- Actuality and Opinion about Book Copyright Trading in China 我国图书版权贸易的现状及思考
- books copyright trade 图书版权贸易
- books' copyright trade 图书版权贸易
- book copyright trade 图书版权贸易
- Before the end of the 2009 Frankfurt book fair, published zhejing legional to powerful lineup unveiled in the copyright trade breakthrough historization. 在前不久结束的2009法兰克福书展中,浙江出版军团以强大的阵容亮相,签约的版权贸易项目突破历史纪录。
- Our country took part in Berne Convention Implementation Act in the 1990's , from then on the copyright trade of our country face a new time. 上个世纪九十年代,我国加入了《伯尔尼保护文学和艺术作品公约》,从此我国的图书版权贸易进入了一个全新的发展阶段。
- Hong Kong companies participation is now mainly focused on entering the market through copyright trade and establishing ties with mainland publishing companies in the importation and distribution fields. 目前香港公司的参与方式主要是通过版权贸易开拓内地市场,以及与内地出版公司就进口及发行事宜建立联系。
- More than 150 Chinese authors and scholars, 300 artists and 700 publishing representatives attended the fair, demonstrating their works and seeking book and copyright trading opportunities. 150多名华裔作家和学者,300名艺术家和700出版界代表出席了展览会,展示他们的作品并寻求图书和版权贸易机会。
- "The bag outside making, copyright trades, new media channel, form a complete set is propped up can give we will do. “制作外包、版权交易、新媒体渠道、配套支撑都可以交给我们来做。
- My deskmate wanted to trade his pen for my book. 我的同桌想用他的钢笔换我这本书。
- You can keep my book as long as you like. 我的书你要借多久都随你的便。
- Int'l publishers eye copyright trade 国际版权展吸引众多出版商
- a book copyrighted in somebody's name 版权归某人名下的一本书
- adverse balance of copyright trade 版权贸易逆差
- You can't judge a book by its cover. 不能根据封面判断一本书(不可以貌取人)
- The art, trade, or profession of binding books. 装订术,业装订书本的技艺、行业或职业