- bore shaper cutter 钻不规则形的钻刀
- Grinding milling cutter, reamer, disc lathe tool, gear shaper cutter, slide way of machine tool and tool guide. 铣刀、铰刀、盘形车刀、插齿刀、机床导轨和刀架。
- gear shaper cutter with Morse taper shank 锥柄直齿插齿刀
- involute spline gear shaper cutter 渐开线花键孔插齿刀
- involute spline gear shaper cutter with taper shank 锥柄渐开线花键孔插齿刀
- spheroid worm gear shaper cutter 球面蜗杆插切刀
- deep counterbore type gear shaper cutter 碗形直齿插齿刀
- The structures and functions of the CAD/CAPP integrated system for gear shaper cutters are introduced. 介绍了为适应集成化要求而开发的插齿刀CAD/CAPP集成系统的结构及功能。
- From the moment of his birth the customs into which he is born shape his experience and behaviour. 一个人从诞生的那一时刻起,他降生后所处的风俗习惯便给他的阅历和行为定型。
- Carbide cutters are used widely.Study on carbide shaper cutters is concerned deeply in gear manufacture. 随着硬质合金刀具的广泛应用,硬质合金插齿刀的研究越来越受到齿轮制造业的重视。
- This paper presents a curved outline gear shaping cutter instead of increasing angle of the pitchcirele involute gear cutter. 本文提出一种用曲线代替增大分度齿形角渐开线作端面齿形的新型插齿刀。
- From the moment of his birth, the customs into which he is born shape his experience and behaviour. 从他呱呱坠地的时刻起,他所生于其中的风俗就开始塑造他的经历和行为规范。
- High-efficiency Special Gear Hobs and Chamfering Shaper Cutters have passed appraisal of Plant, which have achieved small mass production. 高效特种滚刀、倒角插齿刀已通过了工厂鉴定,实现小批量生产。
- Our torpedo boats bore down on the enemy cruiser. 我方面鱼雷艇向敌巡洋舰冲去。
- An enemy frigate bore down on the sloop. 一艘敌驱逐舰向这只护航舰逼过来。
- The design of chamfered gear shaper cutters is studied, and the designing frame is presented. The CAD software for calculating and drawing of gear shaper cutters is developed. 讨论了渐开线修缘插齿刀设计中的具体问题,给出了插齿刀计算框图,并编制了CAD软件。
- He bore down as he approached the finish line. 接近终点线时,他拼尽全力加速。
- Design and Process Simulation of Gear Shaper Cutter CAD System 插齿刀CAD系统的设计与加工过程仿真
- Our soldiers bore away the palm in the battle. 我们的战士赢得了这场战斗。
- His wife later bore a son and a daughter. 他的妻子后来生了一男一女。