- His trousers are yellowish- bottle green. 他的裤子是茶青色的。
- Good, begin to train now, the team member of reseda stands here, does the team member of bottle green stand there?! 好了,现在开始训练,浅绿色的队员站这边,深绿色的队员站那边?!
- I eat a catty green vegetable every day, must eat one kind of bottle green at least Ye Cai, quantity will usually amount to about 200 grams. 我每天都吃一斤绿叶蔬菜,其中至少要吃一种深绿色的叶菜,数量通常会达到200克左右。
- Gardens utility: Horn azalea is damask to white, florescence is longer, blade bottle green, have taller view and admire value. 园林用途: 喇叭杜鹃花淡红色至白色,花期较长,叶片深绿色,有较高的观赏价值。
- Metope, ground used identical ceramic tile, main body belongs to baby blue department, the clever application of line of bottle green waist, appear chic and easy. 墙面、地面使用了相同的瓷砖,主体属于淡蓝色系,深绿色腰线的巧妙应用,显得别致大方。
- Xie Ge is qualitative, have short power, rules round form wraps around needle form, exterior bottle green, the reverse side is virescent, the brim has short fluff, whole reason. 叶革质,有短柄,矩圆状披针形,表面深绿色,背面淡绿色,边缘有短柔毛,全缘。
- Unifoliate opposite, bottle green, circle of egg state regulations or egg form, tip gradually pointed, base the ministry is perfectly round, vein by base ministry 3, whole reason, have short power. 单叶对生,深绿色,卵状矩圆形或卵形,先端渐尖,基部浑圆,叶脉由基部三出,全缘,有短柄。
- Spend lily of the valley greatly especially, extend from leaf of a pair of bottle green in the meeting between April those who curve grace is peduncular, broaden flower of faint scent lily-white. 非凡是大花铃兰,在四月间会从一对深绿色叶子上伸出弯曲优雅的花梗,绽开清香纯白的花朵。
- Foliaceous each other is unripe, approximate verticillate, grow egg form page, very unripe new unripe Xie Jinhuang is lubricious, gradual change of bottom maturity Xie Jian is bottle green. 叶互生,近似轮生,长卵形叶,顶生新生叶金黄色,下部成熟叶渐渐变为深绿色。
- It is better to express your anger, rather than bottle it up. 生气宁可发泄出来而不要闷在肚内。
- The cork came out of the bottle with a loud pop. 瓶塞砰的一声拔出来了。
- He likes to hit the bottle once in a while. 他喜欢偶尔喝得酩酊大醉。
- The dregs have settled at the bottom of the bottle. 渣滓都沉到瓶底了。
- Can you open the bottle with the opener? 你能用启子将瓶子打开吗?
- The inspector find cockroach in the bottle kitchen. 卫生检查员在饭店厨房发现了蟑螂。
- Mr. Green spoke highly of our city. 格林先生很称赞我们的城市。
- He gave me a bottle of orange soda. 他递给我一瓶桔子汽水。
- The seal on the bottle has perished. 瓶子的封记已经腐烂。
- I drank a miniature bottle of brandy last night. 我昨晚喝了一小瓶白兰地。