- Germplasm Collection and Propagation Technique of Bougainvillea glabira 宝巾花品种资源收集与繁殖技术
- bougainvillea glabira 宝巾花
- The plant genus Bougainvillea is named for him. 叶子花属(Bougainvillea)这种植物即是以他的姓命名。
- Study on Flower Period Control of Bougainvillea spp. 宝巾花花期调控技术研究。
- Paper flower (bougainvillea) is the city flower of Shenzhen. 勒杜鹃是深圳的市花。
- They 3)amble past open-air restaurants, across shaded 4)patios tucked behind walls of 5)Bougainvillea. 他们悠闲地走过露天餐馆、穿过阴凉的天井,旁边的墙上密密麻麻地长满了九重葛。
- They amble past open-air restaurants, across shaded patios tucked behind walls of Bougainvillea. 他们悠闲地走过露天餐馆、穿过阴凉的天井,旁边的墙上密密麻麻地长满了九重葛。
- Yeah. Whose "life goal" is to create a sculpture of Princess Diana entirely of bougainvillea. 没错,还有一个用九重葛来塑造触黛安娜公主的人体模型的“人生目标”。
- An elevated wooden boardwalk winds its way past the chalets, lined with flowering bougainvillea and tropical plants. 高架木板桥有着古代瑞士山中牧人小屋的设计风格,有叶子花和热带植物缠绕在周围。
- All this is very surprising and unexpected Bougainvillea spectabilis general, the process of flowering is so beautiful. 这一切简直令人惊奇极了,想不到普通的三角梅,花开的过程竟然如此美丽。
- While hiding in a corner of Bougainvillea spectabilis, inadvertently, on the long branches of more than a dozen bud. 而躲在角落里的一株三角梅,在不经意间,枝头就长了十几个花苞。
- Hotel Features.The FDR Pebbles Resort is fragranced with the scent of the frangipani, jasmine and bougainvillea. 法尔茅斯 -配有 游泳池 的酒店: The FDR Pebbles Resort is located in Montego Bay; Jamaica.
- Some species of plants such as bougainvillea and frangipani, this can have a smell can shade the United States. 种一些植物,例如九重葛和素馨,这样既可以遮阳又可以产生香味美。
- Wang F F.The biological characteristics, introduction and cultivation of Bougainvillea glabra[J].Subtrop Plant Res Commun, 1999, 28(2): 47-51. [2]王芬芬.;三角梅生物特性及引种栽培[J]
- Area:Guangdong Question:flower Shenzhen and Zhuhai were what?Answer:flower Shenzhen and Zhuhai are: ilicifolius cuckoo, also known as Bougainvillea.photo ilicifolius Rhododendron: 深圳和珠海的市花 问题:深圳和珠海的市花分别是什么...
- Further away, a red brick wall head red rust, is still inferior to the full house burning fiery Bougainvillea spectabilis. 再远,红砖砌成的围墙一眼望不到头。雨洗红锈,依然逊色满院的三角梅燃烧如火。
- Bougainvillea, native to parts of South America and named after the 18th century French navigator, Louis Bougainville, seems to be everywhere. 生长在南美洲,在18世纪之后由法国的航海者命名。LouisBougainville,看上去像是到了所有的地方。
- Any of several South American woody shrubs or vines of the genus Bougainvillea having groups of three petallike,showy,variously colored bracts attached to the flowers. 九重葛,一种九重葛属南美洲木本灌本或藤本植物,三片花瓣形艳丽而颜色丰富的花苞附在花上。
- Any of several South American woody shrubs or vines of the genus Bougainvillea having groups of three petallike, showy, variously colored bracts attached to the flowers. 九重葛一种九重葛属南美洲木本灌本或藤本植物,三片花瓣形艳丽而颜色丰富的花苞附在花上
- The sole application of cayenne, purslane, Ricinus communis Land Bougainvillea glabra Choisy showed control effect and the extract from purslane gave the best control. 田间试验结果表明,单独使用勒杜鹃、辣椒、马齿苋、蓖麻对桃蚜的自然种群都有一定的控制作用,其中单独使用马齿苋的蚜量变动系数较低;