- Mr.Black bowed out of politics due to poor health. 布莱克先生由于健康不佳而退出政治生涯。
- The guilty man bowed his head in shame. 那个有罪的人羞愧地低下了头。
- Bow Church is dear to the heart of every Londoner. 圣玛利教堂是每一位伦敦市民心爱的地方。
- Every one bowed as the Queen walked into the room. 女王走进房间时,每个人都鞠躬致敬。
- I bowed out five years ago when I was sixty. 5年前,当我60岁时就退休了。
- A waiter of the Japanese restaurant bowed him in. 那家日本餐馆的侍者鞠着躬将他迎了进去。
- But they refused to bow to force. 但他们拒不向武力低头。
- I'm not going to bow down to such wrong opinions. 我不打算听从这种错误的意见。
- The priest bowed down before the altar. 牧师在圣坛前行鞠躬礼。
- The ship's bow was blown off by a mine. 船头给一枚水雷炸掉了。
- He stood with bowed head at the funeral. 在葬礼上他低下头站着。
- He is the best bow in the county. 他是乡下最好的射手。
- He moved aside for her with a polite bow. 他礼貌地鞠躬,退避一旁让她过去。
- Ball bowed out after40 years of railroading. 鲍尔在铁路上工作了四十年以后退休了。
- Age had bowed his once straight back. 他年事已高,过去挺直的腰板弯了。
- I bowed my head in acknowledgement of guilt. 我低下头来承认过失。
- The cast bowed as the audience applauded. 演员们向鼓掌的观众鞠躬。
- The congregation bowed their heads in prayer. 会众在一起低头祷告。
- Everything bow to success, even grammar. 所有一切均向成功低头,包括文法在内。
- The girl makes a bow to her teacher. 那女孩对她老师鞠了一躬。