- Fifty years ago, the bowl game was a different ball game. 五十年前,保龄球运动跟现在完全不同。
- A bowling game played with such pins and a small ball. 鸭柱球用鸭柱与一小球合玩的滚木球游戏
- But Sir think of the bowling game! 但元首,想想那个保龄球游戏!
- A complete bowling game consists of 10 frames. 一局完整的保龄球赛包括10轮。
- The most realistic 3D bowling game is back! 很有意思的保龄球游戏。
- Keyboard control direction, and the accuracy of the bomb disposal, your body will become longer and longer, not to allow their bodies with their bowl game. 键盘控制方向,精确的排除炸弹,你的身子会越来越长,别让自己的身子绊倒自己喔。
- Sugar Bowl Game in New Orleans, Louisville and others appearing later, like the Crocodile Bowl Game in Jacksonville, Florida and Sun Bowl Game in El Paso, Texas. 路易斯安那新奥尔良的糖杯足球赛及后来新出现的佛罗里达杰克森维尔城的鳄鱼杯赛及得克萨斯埃尔帕索城的太阳杯赛。
- Since January 1980, the Pro Bowl game has been played at Aloha Stadium in Honolulu, and it takes place at the end of the NFL season after the Super Bowl. 从1980年1月,在檀香山的体育场打了场比赛,并且它发生在国家足球联盟的超级杯后。
- Check out the rebirth of the original3 D bowling game! 游戏有5个新的赛道,25种式样的保龄球,同时球的重量、度和灵活都可以调节。
- Their names typify the region: Pasadena, California, has its Tournament of Roses and Rose Bowl game;in Miami, Florida, it is the Orange Bowl;at Dallas, Texas, the Cotton Bowl;and at New Orleans, Louisiana, the Sugar Bowl. 这些活动的名称反映了当地的特色:加利福尼亚州的帕萨迪纳城举办玫瑰花赛会和玫瑰杯足球赛,佛罗里达州的迈阿密城举行柑桔杯足球赛,得克萨斯州的达拉斯城有棉花杯足球赛,路易斯安那州的新奥尔良却是糖杯足球赛。
- A bowling game in which nine wooden pins are the target. 用九根木柱做靶子的一种滚球游戏。
- A bowl of hot chicken soup is good for you. 喝一碗热鸡汤对你有好处。
- Coach Holtz suspended three players from the team, which prevented them from playing in the bowl game, for their involvement in an incident in the players' dorm involving a young woman. 霍尔茨教练暂时将这三名队员停赛,这将使得这三名队员不能参加杯赛。原因是他们三个人在宿舍里与一名年轻女子有些瓜葛。
- A bowling game using slender pins and a ball smaller than that used in tenpins. 烛柱木球戏一种保龄球游戏,使用细长的球柱和小于保龄球游戏中所用的球
- Q: You and your colleagues studied the postseason matchups of college bowl games and their impact on television viewership. 问: 你和你的同事研究大学杯赛的季后赛及其对于电视观众的影响。
- The coordinator of the BCS rejects the idea of a playoff, arguing it will threaten the existence of celebrated bowl games. 现任BCS的调度拒绝了改制为季后赛的主意,认为这样做会威胁到著名的盃赛的生存。
- We just played a mixed doubles bowling game with Mr. And Mrs. Black. 我们刚刚和布莱克夫妇打男女保龄球双打。
- She only has a bowl of muesli for breakfast. 他早餐只吃了一碗什锦粥。
- The Boise State Broncos surprised Oklahoma, winning one of the most exciting bowl games in recent memory on a trick play in overtime. 43-32 was the final score. 博伊西州立大学野马队战胜了俄克拉荷马州,在近来的美式足球赛季中,本场比赛加时赛中的迷糊对方的打法堪称相当激烈。最终成绩为43比32。
- He dash the glass bowl to bit on a rock. 他对著石块把玻璃碗砸得粉碎。