- Promise of a brave new world unfurled beneath a clear blue sky? 你有没有想过为什么我们必须要跑到掩蔽处当这个勇敢世界的保证展露在干净的蓝天里?
- Next month, we ll explore the brave new world of servlet filters. 下个月,我们将探讨servlet过滤器的全新世界。
- This is a great step forward for the brave new world of the service industry. 这是服务行业向全新领域迈进的一大步。
- And he is right.The fictional inhabitants of Brave New World are degraded. 但是他们堕落不是因为生物技术,也不是因为自愿的选择。
- They take it for grant that after the war a brave new world is to be ushered in. 他们理所当然地认为战后必将迎来一个美好的新世界。
- They warn of a brave new world of "embryo farms" and "cloning mills" for the cultivation of human spare parts. 他们警告世界上将会有“胚胎农场”或是“克隆工厂”的产生,用于培育人体替换组织器官。
- And this brave new world seem a little bit dehumanizing and inhospitable to a lot of people. 而这些崭新得世界似乎有点不够人性化,不适合人类居住。
- In the brave new world, subscription fees are gone and the salespeople are replaced by CPM advertising engines. 谷歌为了整合世界信息,她也尝试着要消灭她的劲敌:微软。
- They took it for granted that after the war a brave new world was to be ushered in. 他们理所当然地认为战後必将迎来一个美好的新世界。
- Brave New World is presented as a nightmare. But we need to be careful. The inhabitants are conditioned to enjoy their existence. 《勇敢的新世界》展示在人们眼前的无异于一个噩梦,但我们也得当心,居民们已习惯于享受自身的生存状况。
- Brill: Every wire, every airwave. The more technology you use, the easier it is for them to keep tabs on you. It's a brave new world out there. 每一根电线,每一段电波(都受到监视)。你用的技术越多,就越方便人家监视你。一个美丽的新世界啊。
- In the brave new world of decentralised organisations, managers will have to learn to cultivate and co-ordinate, rather than command and control. 在以分权型组织为特色的未来新世界,经理人要学习如何培育、如何协调,而不是如何命令、如何控制。
- Ambitious and imaginative managers have little to fear from the brave new world that Hamel describes so well in this book. 对于哈默尔在这本书中描绘的美丽新世界,志向远大、富于想象的管理者没有什么可担心的。
- The biotech age will also give us more reason to guard our personal privacy. Aldous Huxley , in Brave New World , got it wrong: ......... 一篇说克隆的文章,这句话上文是说克隆是不道德的,下面说怎样保护隐私。
- All this skepticism, and more, is on display in “Nineteen Eighty-Four” and “Brave New World”, the two great British dystopian novels of the 20th century. 原译:更多的这种怀疑都在“1984”和“美丽新世界”这两部20世界英国反乌托邦的小说中得以体现。
- In this way, The Giver is part of the tradition of dystopian novels written in English, including George Orwell's 19 84 and Aldous Huxley's Brave New World. 通过这种方式,赐予是传统dystopian用英文写的小说,包括乔治奥威尔的19 84和赫胥黎的美丽新世界。
- But we had forgotten that alongside Orwell's dark vision, there was another--slightly older, slightly less well known, equally chilling: Aldous Huxley's Brave New World. 只要别人的恐怖已经发生了,我们至少还没有访问过的奥威尔式的噩梦。
- She will not veer from her brave new intentions. 她不会改变她的大胆的新计划。
- Oh, brave new world, ...! 啊,多么好的新世界(莎士比亚诗句)!
- The Enlightenment and the Industrial Revolution that followed caused a tumultuous transformation in Europe. Shaking off its feudal shackles in ideology and social systems,Europe created a brave new world for itself. 相续的启蒙运动和工业革命使到欧洲有了翻天覆地的变革,尤其是在意识形态、社会制度方面大大超脱了封建束缚,使欧洲呈现出一个崭新的局面。