- Do I bring about ball time steals being out of bound whether calculating breach of rules or not? 您的位置:我也知道>体育/运动>篮球>我抢断时造成球出界算不算违例?
- Defend Young Pioneer one hand being always pushed down on ball of holding Young Pioneer , calculating breach of rules or not? 您的位置:我的知道>体育/运动>篮球>防守队员把一只手一直按在持球队员的球上,算犯规不?
- Defend person since hand of ``drive people meets when basketball shoots at the basket whether calculating breach of rules or not? 您的位置:我的知道>体育/运动>篮球>打篮球投篮时``投球人的手碰到`防守人算不算犯规?
- The position of the raised tuft is altered slighhtly by the brushing, but is has not become detached.Is the player in breach of Rule 16-1a? 当比赛进行时,每位选手皆负有使比赛公平公正之责任。
- However, if the placing of the bottle on the putting green was not for the purpose of gauging the slope, the player would not be in breach of Rule 14-3. 不过,如果他放瓶装饮料的目的不是为了测量果岭坡度,那这名球员就没有违反规则14-3。
- It's clearly a breach of contract. 这显然是违反了合同。
- His breach of prison adds to his crime. 他的越狱使他罪上加罪。
- Your action is a breach of our agreement. 你的行动违反了我们的协议。
- In these circumstances, is the player in breach of Rule 13-2, which prohibits improving the area in which a ball is to be dropped by eliminating irregularities of surface by replacing a divot? 在该类场合中,球员是否违反规则13-2有关禁止在抛球的地方通过移除草皮整修地面的不平整状态的规定?
- He was technically in breach of contract. 严格按照法律条文来讲,他是违约了。
- They sued for breach of contract. 他们以违反合同为由提出诉讼。
- Your action is a breach of the agreement. 你们的行为违背了协议。
- You are in breach of your contract. 你违反了你签的合同。
- A labyrinth of rules and regulations. 错综复杂的规章和制度
- They laid down a number of rules. 他们制定了一些规则。
- The dictator met his doom after ten years of rule. 独裁者统治了十年终於完蛋了。
- Union officials denounced the action as a breach of the agreement. 工会负责人谴责这一行动破坏了协议。
- It was a gross breach of protocol. 这是粗暴违反外交礼节的行为。
- Your company are in breach of the contract. 你们公司违反了合同。
- Your company is in breach of the contract. 你们公司违反了合同。