- breadth first search method 广度优先搜索
- Firstly, we find the resources in the breadth first search way, at the mean time, hop field is generated, and then, we schedule the resources according to the hop field. 本文提出一种新型的网格资源调度算法-最小跳数算法,首先通过广度搜索遍历找到资源,并同时生成跳数场,再根据跳数调度资源。
- A hybrid algorithm combined with dynamic programming and the lower bound (or upper bound) algorithm is proposed. It is on the basis of analysing the depth first search (DFS) and the breadth first search (BFS) methods. 本文分析了深度优先搜索方法 (DFS)和广度优先搜索 (BFS)方法的特点 ,提出了一种混合使用动态规划方法和下界 (上界 )算法的精确求解方法求解组合优化问题。
- The reliability indexes are computed by forward and backward search of all the aggregated components according to breadth- first search method. 并采用宽度优先搜索算法对其进行顺向和逆向遍历求解系统的可靠性指标。
- distributed breadth first search 分布式广度优先
- deep first search(DFS),breadth first search(BFS),valuation function,A*,IDA 深度优先搜索,广度优先搜索,估价函数,A*,IDA
- Distribution System Reliability Evaluation Based on Breadth First Search Algorithm and Zone Node Row Vector Algorithm 基于广度优先搜索算法和区域节点行向量法的复杂配电网络可靠性评估
- breadth first search strategy 广度优先查找策略
- breadth first search 横向优先搜索
- When a fault occurs in a power system, fault area is located using Broad First Search(BFS) method by breakers and bus voltage message. 摘要电网发生故障时,根据断路器跳闸信息和母线电压信息,采用BFS(广度优先搜索)的方法搜索出故障区域。
- Abstract: When a fault occurs in a power system,fault area is located using Broad First Search(BFS) method by breakers and bus voltage message. 摘要:电网发生故障时,根据断路器跳闸信息和母线电压信息,采用BFS(广度优先搜索)的方法搜索出故障区域。
- We used the most modern search methods in vain. 我们使用了最现代的探索方法也未能如愿。
- Will first search the name table and container for an object of the same name. 将首先在名称表和容器中搜索同名的对象。
- First, the related biological theories are introduced; then, the whole algorithm is described in detail; finally, the results of computer simulation and a comparison with the Full Search Method (FSM) and the Three-Step Search Method (TSS) are given. 介绍了有关的理论知识,阐述了整个算法,给出了计算机模拟结果,并与全局法和三步法作出了比较。
- I would not want to have to revert to our previous search methods. 我不会再使用以前的搜索方法了。
- The current setting of search method requires at least one DNS suffix. Please enter one or change the setting. 查找方法的当前设置需要至少一个DNS后缀。请输入一个或改变设置。
- A new local search method with hybrid neighborhood for Job shop scheduling problem is developed. 另辟蹊径求解工厂作业调度问题。
- Several taboo search methods are utilizedin the algorithm. 算法中利用了多种禁忌搜索方法。
- A direct searching method without computing the derivative functions is given. 针对这一问题给出相应的直接搜索算法,证明了算法的收敛性,并给出一些算例。
- He first searched for remains of early man in Jehol, then in Thailand. 他先在热河省,后来又在泰国寻找早期人类的化石遗存。