- 1.in full blossom; in full bloom; 2.to bloom in profusion; to break out into blossom 怒放
- Almost they break out into words. 几乎用这律动之音。
- I break out into a cold sweat merely thinking about snakes. 只要一想起蛇我就会突然间浑身冒冷汗。
- The child broke out into a rash five days after being exposed to infection. 这小孩受了感染5天之后,发出一片红疹。
- "Yes, sir," with quivering voice, she is ready to break out into weeping. “是的,先生,”她的声音发着颤,几乎要哭出来了。
- Here and there the contest breaks out into riots. 有些地方,斗争爆发为起义。
- The coldness soon broke out into open complaint. 冷漠不久就变成公开的抱怨了。
- The audience broke out into thunderous cheers. 全场欢声雷动。
- He broke out into loud laughter. 他忽然哈哈大笑起来。
- His face broke out into a smile. 他变得笑逐颜开。
- In January it broke out into muting. 到了一月份,就爆发成为兵变。
- The audience broke out into a stormy applause. 观众中爆发出暴风雨般的掌声。
- The wicked woman broke out into curses. 那可恶的女人突然咒骂起来。
- His face broke out into a happy grin. 他的脸上露出了快乐的笑容。
- First, you break out into spots. Followed, by hot and cold flashes. Then violent sneezing. 首先,你身上会长出许多红点。接着,你会忽冷忽热。然后,激烈的打喷嚏。
- Merlin: First, you break out into spots. Followed, by hot and cold flashes. Then violent sneezing. 梅林:首先,你身上会长出许多红点。接着,你会忽冷忽热。然后,激烈的打喷嚏。猫头鹰:小心。
- All three of us broke out into gay but cautious laughter. 我们三人会心地笑了,但只好抿着嘴笑。
- Willow trees breaking out into buds foretell the coming of spring. 柳枝绽青报春来。
- The trees are late coming into blossom his year. 今年这些树开花开得迟。
- But now under the guise of pond weed and kingfisher, life seethes to break out into crystal, into wires, into biochemical gels, and into hybrid patches of nerve and silicon. 而如今,在池塘杂草和翠鸟的伪装下,生命骚动着迸发成为水晶、电线、生化凝胶、以及神经和硅的杂合碎屑。