- His humour made us break out in a fit of laughter. 他的幽默引起我们一阵大笑。
- The students broke out in a riot of laughter. 学生们突然放声大笑。
- The prophet said that war will break out. 先知预言战争将爆发。
- A fight break out because that scumbag cheat at poker. 那个卑鄙小人在玩扑克牌时作弊,因此引起一场打斗。
- He prophesied that war would break out. 他预言说战争将要爆发。
- The armies encircled at Stalingrad were not able to break out. 被围在斯大林格勒的军队不能突围出去。
- He seized every chance to break out of the Nazi concentration camp. 他抓住一切机会从纳粹集中营跑出来。
- break out laughter 失声大笑
- He broke out into loud laughter. 他忽然哈哈大笑起来。
- The woman broke out in laughter. 这女人突然大笑起来。
- We had been forewarned of the risk of fire/that fire could break out. 已经事先警告过我们有发生火灾的危险。
- Fire broke out during the night. 夜间突然发生了火灾。
- She broke out in spots this morning. 她今天上午身上出现了皮疹。
- Rioting broke out between rival groups of fans. 双方球迷之间发生了骚乱。
- The horse in the stable has broken out. 马厩里的那匹马跑了。
- He predicted when war would break out. 他预言战争何时会爆发。
- It appears as if a war will break out. 看来一场战争似即将爆发。
- A fire broke out during the midnight. 半夜突然起火。
- Riots broke out in several areas. 有几个地方发生了骚乱。
- The forecast that war would break out proved true. 战争会爆发的预测被证实了。