- The machine must break down at this busy hour. 正忙的时候,机器偏偏又坏了。
- Your request will be dealt with in due course. 你的要求将在适当时机予以处理。
- Her request for a donation met with a repulse. 她要求赞助却遭到粗暴拒绝。
- Be it our duty to comply with his request? 我们有义务满足他的要求吗?
- Her kind words led up to a request for money. 她的好话为要钱的事打开了门路。
- My kind words led up to a request for money. 我说了许多好话才使我借到钱。
- Mick is the last man to break his word. 迈克绝不是不守承诺的人。
- He refused to break bread with his old enemy. 他拒绝与他昔日仇人共餐。
- A request for information from another system. 为查看另一系统中的信息而发出的一种请求。
- The stricken tanker began to break up on the rocks. 油轮被击中后撞上礁石,毁了。
- Catalogues are available on request. 备有目录供索取。
- It is unlucky to break a mirror. 打破镜子被认为是不吉利的。
- She's pruning down the novel at the publisher's request. 她按出版商的要求对小说进行删改。
- He sat under the linden to take a break. 他坐在菩提树下休息。
- She will sing a song by request of the Queen. 应女王的要求,她将演唱一首歌。
- He waylaid me with a request for a loan. 他等我经过时拦住我向我借钱。
- I break away from her and race for the door. 我一下挣脱她,朝门口奔去。
- I must be at Hudson before I break my fast. 吃早饭之前,我肯定已到哈得逊区。
- I came at your (special) request. 我是(特别)应你要求而来的。
- I've decided to break with Silvia once and for all. 我决定同西尔维亚彻底绝交。