- He seized every chance to break out of the Nazi concentration camp. 他抓住一切机会从纳粹集中营跑出来。
- There is no hope but by breaking out of prison. 只有越狱,别无希望。
- To emerge from or break out of an egg. (小鸡等)出壳从蛋壳里爬出或打碎蛋壳而出
- And by breaking out of it, life is renewed. 而破开了蛋壳之后,便诞出新生命了!
- Several prisoners broke out of the jail. 有几名囚犯越狱了。
- A ball of fire seemed to fall out of the void, disappearing before it reached the earth. 一个火球似乎从天外飞降而来,在到达地面前悄然失踪了。
- As soon as you are strong enough, break out of it. 等你长壮实了,就会破卵而出。
- You just need to break out of that boring routine. 你只需改变一成不变的无聊生活。
- You think I want to break out of here? 你以为我想越狱?
- They tried to break out of jail. 他们试图越狱。
- It actually does break out of both iterations. 也就是说,它实际是完全中止了两个循环。
- Adobe AIR: Is breaking out of the browser the right next step? 从浏览器里逃出来是正确的下一步吗?
- The rampant clapping has been broken out of people. 人们爆发了疯狂的掌声。
- Out of his mouth go burning lamps, and sparks of fire leap out. 从它口中发出烧着的火把,与飞迸的火星。
- Out of his mouth go forth flaming torches; Sparks of fire leap out. 19从??谥蟹3.;錾兆诺幕鸢眩?谢鹦欠杀哦?觥
- He break out of his normal reticence and tell me the whole story. 他打破了平时一贯沈默寡言的习惯,把事情原原本本都告诉了我。
- To break out of the poverty trap they need help from the government. 为了摆脱贫困的处境,他们需要政府的帮助。
- Today a powerful army of fire fighters stands ready to help the moment a fire breaks out. 今天,有一支强大的消防大军时刻准备在发生火灾时,前往救火。
- An involuntary cry had broken out of him. 嘴里不禁惊叫出声。
- The prisoner broke out of prison. 囚犯从监狱逃跑了。