- The horse took the barrier easily. 那匹马轻松地越过了障碍。
- A large crowd crushed past (the barrier). 大群的人挤过了(障碍物).
- The ice skater rammed into the barrier. 溜冰者撞到护栏上了。
- The lorry shaved the barrier, scraping its side. 那辆卡车掠过路障,刮坏了车身。
- Breakthrough the Thirst, Breakthrough World Cup. 突破渴望; 突破世界杯.
- Show your ticket at the barrier. 请在检票处出示票以备查验.
- You must show your ticket at the barrier. 您必须在检票口出示您的票。
- Please do not park in front of the barrier. 请不要在护拦前停车。
- Questions and the barrier questions. 问题,以及障碍问题。
- The angry crowds would not keep back the barrier. 愤怒的人群不肯站在栅栏后面。
- The lorry shaved the barrier, scraping its side . 那辆卡车掠过路障;刮坏了车身.
- breakthrough the barrier 突破难关
- She scaled the barrier like a commando. 她像突击队员似地飞快地翻过栅栏。
- The crowds were pressing against the barriers. 人群向著栅栏推挤。
- He was bailed up at the barrier by policemen who demanded to know where he was going. 他在关卡处被警察拦住盘问,要他说出打算到哪儿去。
- LUI Chor Wai tried to breakthrough the defense of Japan Team. 吕楚威力求突破日本队的防卫。
- A large crowd crushed past the barrier. 大群的人挤过了障碍物。
- The fans pushed against the barrier. 球迷们推挤着路障。
- The lorry shaved the barrier, scrapingits side. 那辆卡车掠过路障,刮坏了车身。
- A large crowd crushed past(the barrier). 大群的人挤过了(障碍物).