- Now my debts are paid I can breathe again. 现在我已还清欠债,可以松口气了。
- breathe again easily 松一口气, 放下心来; 恢复正常
- He has gone; you can breathe again. 他已经走了, 你可以松口气了。
- We're over the worst part of the trip; we can breathe again now. 最艰苦的一段旅程已经去,现在我们可以松一口气了。
- As soon as the policeman walked away we could breathe again. 警察一走我们就松口气了。
- I'm so glad that school's out and I can breathe again. 我很高兴学校放假了,这下我可以松一口气了。
- As you breathe again, soul returns, and consciousness expands. 当你再次呼吸,灵魂回归而意识扩展。
- I shan't be able to breathe again until the examination results are received. 我要接到考试成绩的通知以后才能放下心来。
- After the wound was sewn up, Guan Yu could move his arm again easily. 伤口缝好后,受伤的右臂很快就能活动了。
- I'm able to breathe again now that my wife has recovered from her illness. 既然我妻子已经康复,我可以放心了。
- Maybe if I hope a little more, try a little more, I will breathe again. 也许,当我可以把握希望,努力尝试的时候,我可以再次重生。
- I just breathe again, but where's the oxygen of welfare. I can't found it. 我正要再次呼吸,幸福的氧气在哪,我却找不到。
- A.A mirror that has been glued back together has an unsightly flaw and breaks again easily. 正如其它许多发展中的经济体制乃至发达的经济体制一样,贫困无疑仍然是这个国家的一个问题。
- Only after we received the news of their safe arrival did we begin to breathe again freely. 只有得知他们平安抵达的消息后,我们才放心。
- I was in a small boat during the storm,but it stopped after half an hour and I was able to breathe again. 暴风雨期间我正呆在一只小船上。但半小时后暴风雨就停了,我这才松了一口气。
- Otherwise in my hand sharp long sword, still might be relentless seals your throat, cannot breathe again. 不然我手中犀利的长剑,仍然可以毫不留情的封上你喉咙,再也不能呼吸。
- I was in a small boat during the storm, but it stopped after half an hour and I was able to breathe again. 暴风雨期间我正呆在一只小船上。但半小时后暴风雨就停了,我这才松了一口气。
- Often symptoms of tiredness in ascension are transcended as one simply retrains the body to consciously breathe again. 经常的,只要当你重新教会身体再次有意识呼吸,提升中的疲倦症状就被超越。
- The horses stopped to breathe again, and the guard got down to skid the wheel for the descent, and open the coach-door to let the passengers in. 马匹停下脚步喘了喘气,押车卫士下来给车轮拉紧了刹车,然后打开车门让旅客上去。
- Open their airway as before and check for normal breathing again. 像先前一样打开气道,并再次检查是否有正常呼吸。