- bridge deck steel method 桥面钢梁法
- Checking calculation method and essentials about fatigue of orthotropic steel bridge deck are briefly described. 简述了正交异性钢桥面板的疲劳验算方法及注意点;
- Example analysis shows that it is feasible to use the rutting prediction method for steel bridge deck with thermal-plastic asphalt mixture surfacing. 实例分析表明,本文提出的钢桥面热塑性沥青混合料铺装车辙预估方法是可行的。
- The bridge deck carries both eastbound and westbound traffic. 该桥承担着东西向的交通。
- They were placed by a derrick mounted on rails on the bridge deck. 它们由轨道上的转臂吊机吊放在桥面上。
- Zhongshan special-shaped arch bridge is composed of tow slope steel arch ribs,steel box girder of bridge deck curve and slope suspender. 文章结合长沙黄柏浏阳河异型拱桥的工程实例,介绍了异型拱现浇支架、拱肋混凝土浇注和吊杆张拉的技术处理措施。
- By taking the cable-stayed Kap Shui Mun Bridge as an example, a method of damage localization for bridge deck by pattern recognition technique of neural network is studied. 以汲水门斜拉桥为背景,对应用神经网络的模式分类技术识别桥面结构损伤位置的方法进行了研究。
- The cross section of a bridge deck may twist as a result of excessive life. 桥面横断面可能由于过量的升力而发生扭转。
- The bridge deck will be partly constructed in antimagnetic material. 驾驶甲板部分结构应该是防磁材料。
- deck steel tube concrete arch bridge 上承式钢管混凝土拱桥
- Based on basic principles of grillage method, an improved grillage model of wide cantilevers bridge deck is brought forth and its effectiveness is verified after generalizing rules of grillage meshing and sectional characteristic. 基于梁格法的基本原理,提出了宽翼缘上部结构分析的改进梁格模型,并总结了梁格单元划分和截面特性计算的一般方法,最后通过算例验证了该模型和方法的有效性。
- The pilaster and the wall between windows were strengthened with the enclosure steel method. 加固壁柱和窗间墙采用外包钢加固法,加固屋面梁采用粘钢加固法。
- According to the dynamic evolvement rules of the stress, strain and fracture distribution or fatigue cracking mechanism, fatigue equation and axle load conversion of the steel bridge deck asphalt mixture surfacing are proposed. 依据钢桥面沥青混合料铺装体系复合结构的应力场、应变场和损伤场在疲劳过程中的动态演变规律以及疲劳裂缝的形成机理,推导出钢桥面沥青铺装层疲劳性能方程和车辆轴载换算公式。
- Said precast concrete bridge deck assembly has precast concrete bridge deck, end surface loop type steel reinforcement, bottom surface shear resistant slot, and bottom surface shear resistant unit. 所述预制混凝土桥面板组件具有预制混凝土桥面板、端面环型钢筋、底面抗剪槽、底面抗剪器;所述钢梁组件具有直立钢梁、钢梁上翼缘板、连身钢板侧模、抗剪器、连身钢丝网端模;
- Based on tension-compression and bending equivalencies, an equivalent single material plate element was formed for bridge deck of composite girder with steel fiber reinforced concrete and steel. 基于拉压等效与弯曲等效方法,提出了钢纤维混凝土与钢结合梁桥面板换算为单一材料等效板单元的计算模式,导出了等效板单元的厚度和弹性模量的计算式。
- The pilaster and the wall between windows were strengthened with the enclosure steel method.Roof beams were strengthened with the sticking steel method. 对旧建筑进行加层扩建可以扩大建筑面积,增加建筑物的使用功能,同时又基本不增加土地使用面积,是缓解建筑用地紧张的有效途径。
- Changes in strand tension can be easily determined if the bridge deck is resurfaced. 当桥面重新铺装时,易于确定钢索内拉力的变化情况。
- Large sections of bridge deck are pushed out over the piers on rollers or sliding teflon bearings. 将桥面的巨大节段在滚轴或聚四氟乙烯支撑板上推过桥墩。
- Where suspenders are employed, the inclined type are preferable. A bridge deck must be a continuous structure to provide greater rigidity. 使用吊索时,斜拉式更好。为了使桥梁具有更大强度,承梁必须采用连续结构。
- A simulated bridge deck is tested for durability and strength to determine its breaking point. 这个模拟桥面用来测试其耐力与强度,以确定断裂点。