- V. K. Garg and R. V. Dukkipati, Dynamics of Railway Vehicle System, Academic Press, Canada, 1984. 陈水可,轨道车辆结构系统之动态分析,台铁资料季刊,第321期,2005。
- The ability of the vehicle system to record a snapshot of operating conditions when a fault occurs. 当汽车运行中出现故障时,该系统具有记录瞬间工作状况的能力。
- Abstract: The reform of official vehicle system is one of puzzles in public sector reform. 内容提要 公务用车制度改革一直是公共部门改革的一道难题。
- Katayama, T., Aoki, A., and Nishimi, T., “Control Behaviour of Motorcycle Riders,” Vehicle System Dynamics, Vol. 17, pp. 211-229, 1988. 丁定华,四轮车与三轮车在加速转向时之稳定分析,国立中央大学机械工程学研究所硕士论文,1992。
- B.L.Boada.“Fuzzy-logic Applied to Yaw Moment Control for Vehicle Stability,” Vehicle System Dynamics, Vol. 43, No. 10, pp. 753-770, 2005. 杨树,“电动辅助系统与车辆操控稳定性的仿真研究”,华中科技大学,硕士学位论文,2003。
- Based on analyzing of the vehicle system dynamics, the safety distance model is predigested and improved, some is determined. 在分析汽车动力学的基础上,改进并简化了系统安全距离模型,并确定了其中一些参数的取值;
- Knothe, KL., and Grassie, S.L., 1993, “Modelling of railway track and vehicle/track interaction at high frequencies”, Vehicle System Dynamics, 22, 209-262. 陈诚源,民国91年,”台北高运量捷运系统浮动式道床轨道之探讨”,捷运技术半月刊。
- The simulation results show that this model reflect the turbocharged diesel engine dynamic characteristics well and can be used in the dynamic simulation of total vehicle system. 仿真的结果表明,这个模型较好地反映了涡轮增压柴油机动态特性,可以将此模型应用于整车的动态仿真中。
- T. X. Wu and D. J. Thompson, 2004, “Wheel/Rail Nonlinear Interaction with Coupling Between Vertical and Lateral Directions,” Vehicle System Dynamic, Vol. 41, pp. 27-49. 张家豪;2002;“铁路车辆转向架系统于弯曲轨道运动之脱轨行为与稳定性分析”;国立成功大学机械工程学系硕士论文.
- According to the staff presentation, the transformation of Germany, Main Street, from Deshengmen to Madian Bridge vehicles precedent over only two minutes. 据有关人员介绍,改造后的德外大街,从德胜门到马甸桥车辆先例全程只需两分钟。
- Raman, A., Rao, J. S., and Kale, S. R., “Overturning Stability of Three Wheeled Motorized Vehicles,” Vehicle System Dynamics, Vol. 24, pp. 123-144, 1995. 李嘉恩,内倾式残障概念车之设计与实作,国立台湾科技大学机械工程学研究所硕士论文,2004。
- Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International. Annual Technical Symposium and Exhibition. 年国际无人驾驶车辆系统协会年度技术会议与展览。
- Vijay, K.Garg, R.V.,“Dynamics of Railway Vehicle Systems,”Academic Press Canada, 1984. 金学松、刘启跃,“轮轨摩擦学”,中国铁道出版社,北京,2004。
- And the suspension bridge from hanging vines. 悬索桥受到了悬挂着的藤的启发。
- The frail wooden bridge cracked. 这座不牢固的木桥断裂了。
- Mark Moore, head of the personal air vehicle (PAV) division of the vehicle systems program at Nasa's Langley Research Center in Hampton, US. 马克·摩尔是美国国家航空航天局兰利研究中心(位于汉普顿)汽车系统项目组"个人空中交通工具(PAV)"小组的负责人
- I have not the least idea about how to play bridge. 我一点儿不知道怎样打桥牌。
- As the day was wet we stopped in and played bridge. 由于下雨,我们没出去,在家打桥牌。
- E.Eugene.Allmendinger etc., Submersible Vehicle Systems Design, The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, New Jersey, 1990. 梁卓中,水下载具系统设计之探讨,中山科学研究院水下工程学术研讨会论文集,第一册,桃园,1998。
- I think I'm lost; I can't find the bridge. 我想我是迷路了,我找不到那座桥了。