- Bring someone to his senses; bring someone round 使某人不再做出愚蠢的事;使某人醒悟
- bring someone to his senses 使某人醒悟过来,使某人恢复理性,开导某人
- Perhaps it will bring him to his senses. 也许这会使他清醒过来。
- We must try to bring him to his senses. 我们一定要想法让他头脑清醒起来。
- He came to his senses in the hospital. 他在医院里苏醒过来。
- Maybe Henry would come to his senses. 亨利有可能会清醒过来。
- bring someone to his marrowbones 迫使某人跪下
- In the meantime Timmy Tiptoes came to his senses. 那个时候提米脚尖儿恢复了意识。
- Glen used to behave very irresponsibly until that recent brush with the police brought him to his senses. 格伦过去的表现很不负任,直至最近与警方的小冲突才使他有所醒悟。
- We hope he'll come to his senses and correct his mistakes. 我们希望他能觉悟,改正错误。
- If she threatens to leave, it should bring him to his senses. 假如她威胁着要走,说不定他会清醒过来。
- Bring someone to church for a special rite,as of a woman after childbirth. 带某人到教堂接受特别仪式,如分娩的妇女。
- He is finally bring to his sense and agreed to let the hostage go. 他最后恢复些理智,同意释放人质。
- Ged and Therru both risk their lives to bring back Arren to his senses. 格得及瑟鲁冒著生命危险为亚刃伋找回他的意识。
- He thought he might find someone to give credence to his tale. 他想他也许能找到一个相信他的话的人。
- You have to shake a drowsy man many times to bring him to his senses. 你必须摇晃那名昏昏欲睡的男子使其苏醒。
- He thought he might find someone to give confidence to his tale. 他想他也许能找到一个相信他的话的人。
- They needed to appeal to his sense of justice. 他们需要激发他的正义感。
- Left to his own devices, he would hire someone to do the yard work. 若是让他自行决定,他就会雇人来干院子里的活。
- I better get someone to vouch for me tonight. 我最好找些人证明今晚我不在场。