- bring something forward 提出
- I made James bring something to drink. 我让詹姆斯带点喝的东西来。
- Vi: (to Jonah) Can I bring something back for you? 维:(对乔那)我能给你带回什么吗?
- As usual, all of us would bring something there. 像往常一样,我们每个人都带点东西去。
- All of us would bring something there. 我们每个人都带点东西。
- Would you like me to bring something? 你需要我带些什么吗?
- Vi:( to Jonah) Can I bring something back for you? 维:(乔那)能给你带回什么吗?
- You may bring something special from home to school. 你可以从家中带些特别的东西到校。
- I have a terrible headache. Can you bring something for it? 我头疼得厉害,可不可以拿点头疼药来?
- Oh, I see. You've brought something to redesign. 啊,你还带了东西来进行重置呢。
- I brought something for you to look at. 我带来东西给你看。
- Bringing something good and unforeseen;auspicious. 带来幸运的,吉利的带来未预料到的好事(物);幸运的
- Bringing something good and unforeseen; auspicious. 带来幸运的,吉利的带来未预料到的好事(物);幸运的
- It is the urge to bring something about that defines the entrepreneur. 一个拥有想要产生一些东西的欲望的人,被定义为企业家。
- Believe in bringing something different to the team. 相信你会为队伍带来不一样的东西。
- Tactically he brought something important to Man United. 他的战术对曼联很重要。”
- Time turns to 2006, NZIS once again brought something fresh. 到了2006年,移民局又有新花样。
- Raquel: I know, I know, but I've brought something to cheer you up. 拉克尔:我知道,所以我带了些东西来,希望你心情能好一点。
- A: We've got chips, dip, Chinese snacks and all that. Could you bring something classy? (我们已经有洋芋片、酱、式小吃之类的东西。那你带一些较精致的东西来吗?
- Jennifer: Oh, yes, fine. Do you want me to bring something to drink? Orange juice or lemonade. 如果你一定要带什么的话,就带柠檬汁吧。