- Quiet and noble colors are giving out fragrance of wood, which brings tales about nature to the house of heart. 宁静而高贵的色彩,散发着木质的芬芳,将自然的传说写进心的家园。
- Animals are often personified in fairy tales. 动物常在童话中被拟人化。
- He often embellishes the tales of his travels. 他常给他的旅游趣闻添枝加叶。
- People can draw a moral from tales. 人们可以从寓言里吸取经验教训。
- Jim was punished for telling too many tales. 吉姆因说谎话过多而受处罚。
- He always bring a canteen with him on a hike. 他作徒步旅行时总是带着水壶。
- I've heard some odd tales about her. 我听到些关於她的怪事。
- Newborn babies bring out the woman in her. 新生的婴儿唤起了她女性的特性。
- Please bring me those guidebooks. 请把那些手册带给我。
- I have plenty of humorous tales. 我有许多幽默的故事。
- Acupuncture will often bring a fainting person to. 针刺疗法经常可使昏迷中的人苏醒过来。
- They were amused by the fantastic tales he spun. 他们觉得他讲的怪诞故事很有趣。
- The sailor has a rich stock of tales of adventure. 那个水手满肚子都是探险故事。
- He can't bring himself to do this dirty job. 他实在不愿意做这件卑鄙的事。
- I need your help to bring the carpet down. 把地毯运到楼下得需你帮助。
- One of the favourite games in fairy tales is metamorphosis. 神话故事的惯用手法之一是凭借魔力改变形态。
- Bring it closer so that I may see it better. 把它拿近点儿,让我看看仔细。
- Can you bring to mind the name of the child? 你记得起那孩子的姓名吗?
- We listened to their tales about life in the Sahara Desert. 我们听他们讲述撒哈拉沙漠的生活经历。
- Reading in a poor light may bring on a headache. 在昏暗的灯光下看书会引起头疼。