- broad ligament pregnancy [医] 阔韧带妊娠
- The uterus receives its blood and nerve supply through the broad ligament. 子宫通过阔韧带,接受血管和神经分布。
- The effective diagnosis methods of broad ligament hysteromyoma before opera... 术中正确辨认肌瘤与周围组织关系是避免其他脏器损伤的关键。
- A case of internal herniation through a broad ligament defect as a cause of acute abdomen is reported. 摘要本文报告一位经子宫宽韧带缺陷之腹内赫尼亚导致腹部急症之病例。
- Hernias that occur within the abdominal cavity due to defects of the broad ligament of the uterus are very rare with less than 70 cases being reported in the literature. 因为子宫宽韧带缺陷而造成腹内赫尼亚是极罕见的病例,至今全世界文献的报告不超过70例。
- The lateral extent of the broad ligament coers the oarian essels, forming the infundibulopelic ligament, which suspends the oary. 阔韧带侧方区域有卵巢血管,形成漏斗骨盆韧带,供应卵巢。
- The lateral extent of the broad ligament covers the ovarian vessels, forming the infundibulopelvic ligament, which suspends the ovary. 阔韧带侧方区域有卵巢血管,形成漏斗骨盆韧带,供应卵巢。
- The anterior leaf of the broad ligament coers the round ligament of the uterus and forms the mesoligamentum teres (9,51). 阔韧带前叶覆盖有子宫圆韧带形成系膜韧带圆肌。
- Objective: To investigate the effects, surgical method and complications of excision of cervical and broad ligament myoma. 摘要目的:探讨子宫阔韧带平滑肌瘤手术治疗方法与效果。
- Purpose:To investigate the value of CT in the diagnosis of spread of disease via the subperitoneal space of the broad ligament and sigmoid mesocolon in the pelvis. 目的:评价CT对盆腔病变经韧带及乙状结肠系膜的腹膜下间隙蔓延的诊断价值。
- Perirectal and paravesical fossae also appear in females.At the lateral limit of the paravesical fossae, the peritoneum invests the mesosalpinx, round ligament, and broad ligament of the uterus. 直肠旁隐窝和膀胱旁隐窝也存在与女性,在膀胱旁隐窝的侧方腹膜包绕输卵管系膜、子宫圆韧带和阔韧带。
- Perirectal and paraesical fossae also appear in females.At the lateral limit of the paraesical fossae, the peritoneum inests the mesosalpinx, round ligament, and broad ligament of the uterus. 直肠旁隐窝和膀胱旁隐窝也存在与女性,在膀胱旁隐窝的侧方腹膜包绕输卵管系膜、子宫圆韧带和阔韧带。
- Methods:Total laparoscopic hysterectomy were preformed in 102 cases diagnosed of endometriosis,cervical fibroids,uterine fibroid within the broad ligament,pelvic adhesion and previous cesarean section. 方法:对102例诊断为子宫内膜异位症、宫颈肌瘤、阔韧带肌瘤及盆腔粘连、剖腹产术后行腹腔镜全子宫切除手术的病例进行临床分析。
- There were 9 cases of ureter injuries, 6 cases occurred in radical hysterectomy for cervical cancer, 1 in cesarean section with hysterectomy, and 2 in hysterectomy with broad ligament leiomyoma. 在输尿管损伤共9例中,宫颈癌根治术6例,剖宫产子宫切除术1例,阔韧带肌瘤子宫切除术2例。
- Laparotomy was performed 11 days after CT. (d) Laparoscopic photograph shows viable distal ileal loops (I) herniated from anterior to posterior through a defect in the left broad ligament (arrows). (d)腹腔镜照片显示末段回肠从前向后疝入左侧阔韧带(长箭头)缺损处。
- You are advised not to smoke during pregnancy. 怀孕期间你最好不要吸烟。
- Hernia through the Broad Ligament 阔韧带疝
- Repair or resection of broad ligament 子宫广韧带裂伤修补或切除术
- The river opens out suddenly into a broad estuary. 江面忽然开阔起来,形成一个宽广的河。