- The river opens out suddenly into a broad estuary. 江面忽然开阔起来,形成一个宽广的河。
- He stated his views in broad outline. 他粗略地讲了自己的观点。
- Be sure to wrap up your son in wool. 一定要给你儿子穿上毛衣。
- Her heavy industry rests on a broad and firm base. 它的重工业有广泛坚实的基础。
- She dabbed at the cut with cotton wool. 她用药棉轻轻地按了按伤口。
- The crooks ripped off a car in broad day light. 那些歹徒在光天化日之下盗窃了汽车。
- These goats are specially bred for their wool. 这些山羊是专为剪取羊毛而饲养的。
- She has a broad knowledge of computers. 她对计算机有广博的知识。
- They used only natural pigments to dye the wool. 他们只用天然颜料染毛织品。
- Besides, it's make of pure wool, very soft. 另外,这是纯羊毛的,手感柔和。
- This wool suit is very expensive. 这套毛料套装十分昂贵。
- This room is as broad as it is long. 那个房间长宽相等。
- He hurt his left ankle in the broad jump. 他跳远时扭伤了左踝。
- I'm trying to match this yellow wool. 我在找能与这黄色毛绒相配的毛绒。
- Our policy must be made known to the broad masses. 我们的政策必须让广大民众都知道。
- The survey covered a broad spectrum of topic. 这本简史涉及的话题范围很广。
- It's make of pure wool, very soft. 这是纯羊毛的,非常软。
- His wool finds but little market. 他的羊毛几乎找不到买主。
- The wool got in a fearful tangle. 毛线乱成了一团。
- He had broad shoulders and powerful arms. 他肩膀宽大,双臂有力。